Giant ants, like their smaller cousins, can often be found in colonies. The colonies are naturally much larger than a normal ant colony, but fortunately, given that they are the size of a small pony, they are inhabited by significantly fewer ants.
What’s Happening in the Colony?
- A train of workers is carrying food deep into the colony; the food is an assortment of vegetation and unidentifiable pieces of meat.
- Drones are clinging to the ceiling, fanning their wings to spread fresh air through the colony’s tunnels.
- Six workers are repairing a piece of wall that has partially collapsed.
- Three soldiers are killing an invading soldier from another colony.
- Two workers are digging a new tunnel or cave to expand the colony.
- Workers are carrying freshly-laid eggs through the tunnels.
What Features Can Be Found in the Colony?
- Aphid farm, in which giant aphids are being tended to be workers.
- Cave in which ant eggs are stored, waiting to hatch.
- Caved-in tunnel, blocking part of the colony off.
- Food storage area, filled with pieces of plant, fruit and meat.
- Mushroom cave, where workers are tending fungi.
- Stream of fresh water cutting the tunnel in half.
What Does the Ant Look Like?
- An eye is damaged.
- Gouges cover its exoskeleton.
- Missing an antenna.
- Part of one leg is missing.
- Piebald patches on its exoskeleton.
- Sticky sap covers the ant, slowing it down.