Category Archives: Mage Things

100 Pieces of Cyber Data to Bamboozle Players to Discover and 100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf Now Available

100 Pieces of Cyber Data to Bamboozle Players to Discover100 Pieces of Cyber Data to Bamboozle Players to Discover and 100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and Storytellers Vault.

When searching through a computer or network, characters may come across information that is not as relevant. 100 Pieces of Cyber Data to Bamboozle Players to Discover has 100 bits of fragmentary information the characters could find in such situations.

Books are a source of knowledge, and 100 Books to Find on a Mage’s Bookshelf has 100 of such that could be found on a mage’s bookshelf. Whether or not an individual book is useful is up to the Storyteller; they could contain misinformation or errors.