Category Archives: Shadow of the Demon Lord

100 Spy Gadgets, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (3Deep), A Baker’s Dozen of Locations in the Desolation and Book Cover 12 Now Available

100 Spy Gadgets100 Spy Gadgets, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (3Deep), A Baker’s Dozen of Locations in the Desolation and Book Cover 12 are now available to buy from DrivethruRPG.

Spies have gadgets and 100 Spy Gadgets has 100 such for them to have, tools and equipment built into everyday items. Some are more suited for the fictional than factual spy, but others work for either.

Everywhere has swamps and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Swamp (3Deep) has 100 encounters for the 3Deep system. This is an adaptation of another supplement.

The Desolation is that wasteland above the Empire where the Men of Gog came from, and A Baker’s Dozen of Locations in the Desolation has 13 new locations for fleshing it out.

Book Cover 12 is a leather and gilt book cover for personal and commercial use. There are six images in two different sizes, all 300dpi TIFFs.

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100 Sights to See During the Zombie Apocalypse, Aquaria Sector and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth III Now Available

100 Sights to See During the Zombie Apocalypse100 Sights to See During the Zombie Apocalypse, Aquaria Sector and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth III are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may see many things during the zombie apocalypse and 100 Sights to See During the Zombie Apocalypse has 100 encounters for them to have, primarily during the early days before civilisation has collapsed.

Aquaria Sector is a new sector for Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells and covers a water-based sector with hex contents, visions, encounters and adventure opportunities.

Whilst searching, characters may find notes and letters and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth III  has 100 such for Shadow of the Demon Lord. Whether or not these have importance is up to the GameMaster.

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Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations Now Available

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG)Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG), Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (PFRPG) describes a fantasy city, the fourth for a setting though it can be used elsewhere, with details on the city itself, locations and people, rumours and new game stats.

Cities of Sundara: Hoardreach (5E) is the above supplement converted for use with the Fifth Edition of the World’s Most Popular Role Playing Game.

Beyond the World’s Edge introduced Eremeä, the Lost Land, and A Baker’s Dozen of Eremeän Locations adds thirteen new locations to that continent, none really classifiable as safe.

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100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II Now Available

100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon, 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Dungeons have staircases, of whatever sort, to connect levels, or parts of levels, together. 100 Staircases to Find in a Dungeon has staircases that a GM can drop in to make the area more interesting. They can be used as colour, hazards or potential adventure hooks.

Deserts can be mysterious and dangerous places and 100 Encounters for a Fantasy Desert (3Deep) has 100 encounters that characters could have. They can be used to enliven a desert journey.

Characters may come across notes and letters, whether searching a room or a body, and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth II has 100 such for them to find. They may or may not be relevant to anything.

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100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements, 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Aihrde and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands for the Shattered Lands Now Available

100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements, 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Aihrde and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands for the Shattered Lands are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

100 Traits for Villages and Other Settlements has 100 traits to make settlements more distinctive. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in Aihrde has 100 rumours for the Aihrde setting. These can be used as background colour when characters are asking around or as potential adventure hooks.

A Baker’s Dozen of Islands for the Shattered Lands has thirteen new islands for characters to visit in the Shattered Lands, though they could be dropped into other locations. These islands are rarely safe to visit.

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100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth Now Available

100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon and 100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Just as in the surface world, underground dwellers need to eat, and intelligent ones will have recipes. 100 Foods to Find in a Dungeon has 100 different dishes to find in the underearth realms, ranging from the comparatively normal to the disgusting to the toxic.

100 Notes and Letters to Find on Urth has written notes that characters could find on Urth. They may be misdirection, or may be potential adventure hooks. A supplementary table has possible conditions for the notes.

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100 Strange Beliefs to Hold and A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs Now Available

100 Strange Beliefs to Hold100 Strange Beliefs to Hold and A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may come across people and groups with peculiar beliefs and 100 Strange Beliefs to Hold has 100 such for them to have. Some of the beliefs are harmless whilst others could result in their holdings doing violence.

A Baker’s Dozen of Drugs has 13 new drugs for Shadow of the Demon Lord. Most of the drugs have benefits for their use but one is primarily intended to control others. All have problems if they are over used.

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100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains and Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord Now Available

100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains and Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Mountains can be dangerous places to travel through and 100 Encounters for Fantasy Mountains has 100 different encounters for such locations. These can be used to enliven a journey or as a source of potential adventure hooks. Some are potentially dangerous, some are potentially useful and some are weird.

Chimaerical: An Ancestry for Shadow of the Demon Lord introduces a new, composite ancestry tainted by the Demon Lord’s Shadow whose abilities and appearance differ from one Chimaerical to the next.

100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar and A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies Now Available

100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar and A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

Characters may stumble across rumours in a space port bar or other suitable location, and 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar has a selection for them to hear. These rumours could be incidental information heard whilst seeking something else, misinformation or adventure hooks.

A Baker’s Dozen of Planetary Bodies has thirteen new planetary bodies that characters could travel to for Shadow of the Demon Lord. These can be dropped into orbit around gas giants or used as planets in their own right.

100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void Now Available

100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse and A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.

During a zombie apocalypse, characters may get a radio and 100 Transmissions to Hear During the Zombie Apocalypse has 100 transmissions to hear over it. They could be useful, provide filler or potential adventure hooks. Some transmissions have details of what can be heard in the background.

A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void has thirteen new locations for the Void for Shadow of the Demon Lord. The Void is the home of the Demon Lord and contains the wreckage of universes. These islands can be explored by characters whilst in the Void.

A Baker’s Dozen of Islands in the Void is also included in the Shadow of the Demon Lord Bundle, which contains all supplements released for the system.