Even underwater, characters can have encounters of different kinds and this supplement has 100 such to have.
The encounters can be used to enliven a journey and some are strange, others dangerous and some can be used as potential adventure hooks.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
81. The sand on the sea floor is swirling in a spiralling pattern. If touched, force from the sand can be felt, though it isn’t strong enough to drag anything down.
82. The sea bed rises up here into a steep-sided, flat-topped plateau. The plateau is large, but otherwise doesn’t appear unusual (confirmed with a General Knowledge (Logic) roll).
83. The sea bottom is sandy here, and lacks much in the way of features. There are very few rocks on the bottom, and only a handful of plants are growing. The area looks (an Outdoor (Logic) roll with +1) strangely barren of life.
Released: 5th August 2023 Pages: 9
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