100 Things to Find in Caves (5E)

100 Things to Find in Caves (5E)

100 Things to Find in Caves (5E)Caves can be used by intelligent beings and animals, who may leave things behind, and may have geographic features of their own.

This supplement has 100 different ways of dressing a cave. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

21. Attached to the ceiling is an elegantly wrought black iron candelabra (worth 100 gp and weighing 200 lbs), currently without candles, that looks completely out of place.

22. Bas reliefs of figures have been carved into the sides of the cave, a procession of figures leading to the back, apparently (DC 5 Intelligence (Wisdom) check) worshippers heading inwards by their appearance.

23. Bits and pieces of pot are scattered all over the cave. It looks (DC 5 Wisdom (Perception) check) as if they came from a single large piece of pottery that, from all appearances (another DC 5 Wisdom (Perception) check), exploded.

Released: 24th August 2024 Pages: 9

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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