Cults of Sundara (5E)

Cults of Sundara (5E)

Cults of Sundara (5E)A cult is generally defined as a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or unusual, and which often exerts an abnormal amount of control over its members. And Sundara, with its myriad of gods, belief structures and philosophies, has cults to spare.

The following groups are thought of as cults throughout Sundara largely because of their unusual lifestyles, or due to the secretive, insular nature of their beliefs. Some of these cults revere gods, some merely practice esoteric philosophies. Some are cults of animal worship, others are belief structures that are flexible enough that they can mold and shift to fit the cultures and beliefs of different peoples from across the setting. It is important to remember that these are far from the only cults one might find in Sundara, and that any cult spread widely enough may branch off into different factions and sister chapters with differences in beliefs. As such, players and Game Masters alike should feel free to alter or modify these cults in their own games simply by saying, “denominational differences” to explain changes in doctrine and dogma they choose to make in their games.

The supplement is also available in a version for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Released: 19th November 2022 Pages: 33

PDF ($3.99): DriveThruRPG

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