A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men)

A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men)

A Baker’s Dozen of Booby Traps (Army Men)Boobytraps have a long and storied history, both in warfare as well as in tabletop RPGs. While most of us are familiar with pit traps, swinging blades and even poisonous needles, Army Men takes place in a world full of more advanced weaponry. So if you’ve been looking to upgrade your traps, then consider some of the following options to keep your players on their toes!

Each of these traps comes in multiple varieties, contains a unique history for the setting and suggested uses where they’ll be found. So whether they’re being used by official armed forces, paramilitary groups or even criminal syndicates, these traps can add another element of danger to your squad’s upcoming mission!

The traps are as follows:

  • Toecutter
  • Rise and Shine
  • Boom Room
  • Mud Pie Surprise
  • Deadly Stock
  • Lights Out
  • Paint Shakers
  • Trench Feet
  • Window Wipers
  • Dog Meat
  • Party Popper
  • Filament Tension Trap
  • Deadly Siren

Released: 24th August 2024 Pages: 22

PDF ($2.99): DriveThruRPG

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