Army Men: Medals of Honor

Army Men: Medals of Honor

Army Men: Medals of HonorSince time immemorial, soldiers have been awarded for their deeds on the battlefield. This tradition has evolved over the centuries, with awards and commendations being given for a variety of achievements among armed forces personnel. Each of the nations that make up the Plastos Federation (as well as the Federation itself) has their own traditions and unique awards, but it’s possible for these medals to represent more than just an acknowledgement from command for a job well done.

Army Men: Medals of Honor introduces the medals system as a way to both keep track of your players’ accomplishments, and to provide extra benefits to players as your game goes on. While some of these medals are only awarded to members of certain nations, and some are only awarded to individuals rather than to entire squads, Game Masters are encouraged to use their own discretion, and to provide ample opportunities for players to earn these rewards with their in-game actions, or to even build their overall campaign around achieving certain medals.

Lastly, these are only a sample of the medals one might find in Army Men: A Game of Tactical Plastic. Game Masters are encouraged to create their own, and to gear these medals toward the goals and challenges of their own campaigns!

Released: 15th June 2024 Pages: 29

PDF ($2.99): DriveThruRPG

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