Even underwater, characters can have encounters of different kinds and this supplement has 100 such to have.
The encounters can be used to enliven a journey and some are strange, others dangerous and some can be used as potential adventure hooks.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
72. Swimming in the distance is a solitary shark. The shark is clearly of a substantial size, but doesn’t appear (an Easy Perception Skill Roll) to be taking any notice.
73. Tangled in the plants on the sea floor is a weighted net. Still trapped in the net are the remains of a larger sea creature that got caught in it (the creature is dead, but still mostly intact and edible).
74. The bottom of the sea rises up steeply here, with a rocky slope rising close to the surface of the water, though not close enough to pose a hazard for ships.
Released: 14th October 2023 Pages: 10
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