Calculate Twice, Experiment Once is a piece of fiction for Silkgift: The City of Sails one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.
“Careful now,” said Verin to Challis as the latter started gradually adding droplets of the solution to the bubbling beaker in their workshop in the Ingeneurium. “Are you sure you got the calculations right this time?”
“Of course I did!” responded Challis with what Verin considered an unwarranted degree of certitude, given that every previous experiment was a failure. “You worry too much!”
“Well, one of us have to and you don’t worry enough,” Verin mumbled under his breath. Louder, he reminded Challis “These are potentially volatile, so it’s important to be careful, take our time and make sure everything is correct. This time.”
“Don’t be a silly! We’re taking every precaution and it’s not like anything really bad has happened so far!”
“And I’d like it to still not happen, if it’s all the same with you,” retorted Verin. “Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You know that.”
“The risk is worth the reward! Just think what we’ll be able to do if this works!”
“It’s the not working bit that concerns me,” stated Verin. “I’m all for experimenting, or I wouldn’t be here, but I do prefer to make sure the odds are in our favour.”
Verin stood next to Challis as she carefully added the last droplet of the solution into the beaker and turned up the heat slightly. The liquid started to bubble more fiercely.
The next thing Verin knew, they were both lying on the floor and his ears were ringing. Slowly, he picked himself up and held out a hand to Challis so that she could get up off the floor as well.
“Drat,” said Challis.
Looking at the smoking remains of their workshop, the fires slowly guttering out on the bench and the damage to the ceiling, and glancing down at what used to be the clothes he was wearing, Vern felt this was a significant underreaction.
“You may be a touch over socialised,” he commented.
The Ingeneurium was not going to be pleased.