100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)

100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)

100 Secret and Hidden Doors and Passages to Find in a Dungeon (C&C)Dungeons, and other locations, often have secret doors and hidden passages and this supplement has 100 such for characters to find. They range from the well hidden with secret triggers to those that are merely disguised.

The doors and passages can be used to lead to other areas if desired, or perhaps they just open a secret compartment.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

73. Standing next to a wall is a stone kennel, large enough for something bigger than a dog. The rear of the kennel is fixed to the wall, and a secret catch (CL 9 Intelligence check to find) will open a door leading to a narrow passage (medium creatures can crawl through; nothing larger can).

74. Statues have been placed in semi-circular alcoves along the walls. On the rear of one statue’s plinth is a small button (CL 5 Intelligence check to find) that, if depressed, causes the rear wall of the alcove to split vertically in two and open.

75. Stone blocks have been stacked up in a pile. If all the blocks are moved (which will take 2d3+3 rounds for one person of at least Strength 10), a trapdoor can be found beneath them.

Released: 11th January 2025 Pages: 11

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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