Category Archives: GameMaster’s Resource

3d6: Ogre

Image: Jacob E. Blackmon

Ogres are large humanoids, related to giants, known for their brutality, strength and less than stellar intelligence. They can be found individually and in groups and will often act as muscle for more intelligent beings.

What Unusual Feature Does the Ogre Have?

  1. Appalling stench, noticeable from some distance away and nauseating when close.
  2. Enormous fangs, twice the normal size.
  3. Jutting brow of bone that shields its eyes from the light.
  4. Long, thick, strong and claw like nails.
  5. Patches of straggly, greasy hair all over its body.
  6. Scars cut into its skin in patterns.

What is the Ogre Wearing or Carrying?

  1. Cloak made from the scalps of dozens of beings.
  2. Helm made from the entire rotting head of a bull.
  3. Huge bag made from horse hides crudely stitched together.
  4. Rotting garments made from poorly-tanned leathers.
  5. String of skulls from different beings on a rope around its neck.
  6. Wooden club inset with broken fragments of bone.

What Treasure Does the Ogre Have?

  1. Battered breastplate bearing part of a coat of arms.
  2. Broken holy symbol
  3. Cloven skull of a powerful enemy.
  4. Fur of a dire beast.
  5. Hilt of a shattered sword worn on a leather thong.
  6. Shiny rock with sparkling flecks in it.

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D6: Numenera Rumours – Ba-Adenu Forest

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Druissi in the Ba-Adenu Forest is built on ancient wreckage that has, until now, generated heat all year round at a stable level, allowing the inhabitants to use the heat to warm everything from food to water. There’s a rumour, though, that the temperature has been gradually increasing in recent months. Not enough to cause an immediate problem but, should the rise continue, it could eventually reach potentially hazardous levels.
  2. Padun in the Ba-Adenu Forest is an enormous oval wall, one that has been repaired over the years, and sometimes breached as well. Inside are the ruins of cities and strongholds that have been built within the wall’s defensive perimeter, all of which have fallen due to the difficulty of defending a wall of such a size. There’s a rumour that a new ruler is building a city within Padun, but that they are ensuring that there will be defences on the inside as well as Padun itself.
  3. The Ba-Adenu Forest encompasses a vast area of the Beyond, with many different beings living beneath its boughs in the different climates that can be found within it. There’s a rumour, though, that the forest has recently started to shrink in size, with trees on the borders quickly dying and collapsing into rot, diminishing the size of the forest slowly but steadily.
  4. The inhabitants of Ephremon in the Ba-Adenu Forest worship a being called the Falgreen which appears in the form of a floating young woman in a tattered dress with twigs for hair. Some outsiders say the Falgreen is the spirit of the Ba-Adenu Forest, taking on a form that allows it to interact with humans, though at a price, claiming that the Falgreen desires human sacrifice above all other things.
  5. The part of the Ba-Adenu Forest that borders the Black Riage is known for its strong winds and the frequent tendency for trees to fall in them. Calls to warn others of falling trees are equally common, and there’s a rumour that someone has been studying tree falls for some time. They have apparently come to the conclusion that many of the falls are not accidental, and that the reason so many encounter falling trees, is they are most likely to happen when there are people around. Perhaps suggesting the tree falls are deliberate.
  6. The Untethered Legion in the Ba-Adenu Forest is an area where pools of a murky red substance gradually birth hounds, which when born are ridden by the biomechanical humans of the Legion. The forces of the Untethered Legion have been gathering in the forest for some time, though no-one knows what for, but there’s a rumour that they have finally started to stir and venture further afield.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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D8: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: The Green Wilds

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. An enormous petrified tree in the Green Wilds is home to the largest sark lair in the area, but they do not completely dominate it. Huge spiders with too many legs and centipedes with the voices of children also lair there, and sometimes emerge to hunt the sark. Some claim that these creatures would wipe out all the sark if they could, and that perhaps they are related in some way.
  2. Calandria, of the storm circle southeast of Telenbar, is a bitter enemy of the Oracle of Ardeyn, and vice versa, and isn’t welcome in the city of Telenbar. Neither will say why this is the case, but it’s rumoured that both sometimes attempt to recruit assassins to kill the other. If so, none have been successful as yet, which suggests any such attempts are dangerously foolhardy.
  3. Telenbar is a very large sun oak within the Green Wilds, one that is large enough that it functions as a city for as many as 2,000 people. There are rumours that representatives from Telenbar have been seen in a number of different places, apparently looking into methods of curing trees, leading to the suggestion that perhaps the sun oak itself is ill, perhaps dying.
  4. The Green Wilds are home to sark, amongst other creatures, and their lairs make the region a dangerous place to wander. It’s rumoured that the numbers of sark encountered in the region has increased recently, though this is difficult to confirm as many who encounter them fail to survive to tell a tale. Should sark numbers be increasing, this will make the region even more dangerous.
  5. The Oracle of Ardeyn lives on Telenbar and is an enormous serpent who sometimes disappears from time to time, apparently visiting her homeland. There are claims that, when she returns from that place, she is often different in some way, usually with regards to her personality and memory, not remembering meetings and acting strangely, though after a few days she returns to normal again.
  6. The Stag Knights are an order of hunters and trackers with a guildhouse in Telenbar. Sometimes terrible monsters from the Age of Myth appear in the present day, and the knights then hunt them down. Some claim that the knights are the ones bringing forth the monsters, so that they can appear to be heroes by hunting them.
  7. The very rare tree known as the star sapling can be found in the Green Wilds. These trees drop white fruits that either have healing qualities or contain a seed that jets off on a blast of fire away from Ardeyn. Someone has placed a bounty on as many of these seeds as can be caught, which is difficult given what happens when they are found, as it seems they are hoping to grow their own orchard of the trees.
  8. Treasure seekers in the Green Wilds are looking for a portal mouth that supposedly leads to a subrealm where an ancient qephilim city still survives, though it might be a city in the Age of Myth, rather than a place at the current time. It’s rumoured that a number of qephilim artefacts have been turning up in communities in the Green Wilds, all apparently traded for supplies and other things by a small group. Some wonder if the qephilim city has finally been found by a group of treasure seekers.

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D10: Night City Rumours – City Centre

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the City Centre district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Fantasy Unlimited in the city centre is a business that helps their clients’ fantasies come true, through their network of contacts. Some claim that Fantasy Unlimited will make any dream come true, no matter what it is, but it’s rumoured that those who’ve believed that and have tried to ask for something like that have either wound up getting an unexpected visit from the NCPD or have simply disappeared.
  2. Grandmill in the City Centre is the place for people with too much money to burn to shop, where they can find things to suit even the most jaded tastes. And rumour has it, that anything means just that; anything. It’s said that those in the know can buy things that are definitely illegal and often horrendous in nature.
  3. La Croix in the City Centre is considered to be the most trendy restaurant in Night City. At least by the trendy magazines. The food and service are, however, excellent, though this doesn’t tend to draw in non-trendy clientele. Rumour has it that the owner, Jaqueline duBenalle, has extensive contacts with journalists working for the trendy magazines to ensure her restaurant always remains on the list of trendy places to eat.
  4. Mbole Ebunike, the mayor of Night City, has grown tired of being a toady for the corporations. In turn, the corporations have grown tired of the man they groomed for office behaving as if he had a will of his own. Ebunike is usually unavailable these days, even when in his office, and it’s rumoured that he now has a second office elsewhere after his security had to deal with visitors who were not so much irate as paid assassins.
  5. Night City City Hall is in the City Centre is a bustling place filled with all sorts of lobbyists, corps, execs, government employees and special interest groups. This abundance of people with power, or who are close to those who have power, means that there is a lot of, to the right people, valuable information floating around. Despite City Hall’s security, there are rumours that information still manages to be acquired from it, and some wonder if it’s that same security acquiring it.
  6. Night City Museum in the City Centre has a collection with a lot of valuable items in it. The more valuable the item, the more likely it is to be found in the underground areas which have tighter security. There are rumours, though, that sometimes-valuable items end up being placed in the upper areas, and then stolen, suggesting perhaps that someone who works for the museum is deliberately placing valuable items where they, or a partner, can steal them.
  7. The Del Cornanado Bay Journal, based in the City Centre, is the home of an old-fashioned newspaper and a source of unbiased news. It’s rumoured that the paper has been looking into increasing security recently, as some are objecting to the unbiased approach and are suggesting it would be in everyone’s best interests, and particularly those who work at the paper, to add an element of bias.
  8. The NCART City Center Station has a lot of juviegangers that avoid doing anything technically illegal when they are dealing with clients, and the fact that these clients are usually wealthy means that the Transit Police rarely crack down on them. It’s rumoured that some of the Transit Police are actively involved with the juviegangers, taking a cut of everything they make in exchange for a guarantee they will never get into trouble.
  9. There have been attacks on a number of vehicles belonging to the Revere Courier Service recently, and these have always taken place in the City Centre, despite the district and the company’s precautions. Some think these attacks aren’t designed so much to rob the company as to make people start to think their service is not as safe as it could be.
  10. Totentanz is a club in the top three floors of Burleson Tower in the City Centre, and it’s one where a lot of boostergang members go, and some don’t come back out again due to the patrons getting rowdy. The NCPD lets the club stay open because, for one thing, it cuts down on the numbers of punks on the streets. Rumour has it that the NCPD secretly encourages the violence that happens at Totentanz, ensuring the gangs keep on killing each other.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – City Centre is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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Encounters for Archbliss: The City of the Sorcerers

Image: Jeff Brown.

Four encounters for each of the districts of Archbliss are given here. The encounters will work with the Pathfinder and 5E versions of the supplement.

Sunrise Way

  1. A creature whose true appearance is unknown is rapidly changing shape, from humanoid species to inhuman to monstrous.
  2. A rainbow of strange colours forms over the district, seemingly becoming solid, before slowly evaporating away.
  3. A tree forms out of stone, rapidly growing up out of the ground, budding and sprouting stone flowers and fruit.
  4. Some of the gold bricks on the Street of Gold are being removed from the way and replaced with new, with guards making sure that outsiders don’t interfere.


  1. A sparking ball of light materialises in the air, shedding a pearlescent glow as the sparks drip down from it and evaporate on the ground.
  2. A spelluser casts a spell at one of the crystal spires, which glows as it drinks up whatever the spell was.
  3. Apprentices are checking the sorcerer’s quartz of some of the district’s crystal spires.
  4. Lightning arcs towards two of the crystal spires, seemingly from thin air, causing them to glow briefly, before the lightning fades away.

Samen’s Way

  1. A crowd has gathered to watch a performance as the actors float above the ground.
  2. A dragon swoops down on the street, breathing fire at everyone below. Before the fire hits, the dragon and flames both turn into gold coins, which vanish when they hit the ground.
  3. A patch of unmoving shadow blocks part of the street and seems impossible to illuminate with light. Nothing can be seen from within it.
  4. Soldiers charge down the street, shouting a battle cry. They pass through anyone and anything they encounter.

Spirit Tower

  1. A dozen skeletons march in formation through the streets of Spirit Tower, before finally entering a crypt and closing the door.
  2. A funeral procession is walking slowly through the district, with a robed individual being transported on a floating bier.
  3. Someone is standing by the Obelisk and standing in the chill the monument radiates for an unusually long time.
  4. Undead guardians standing outside a crypt bar the way to someone who has approached it too closely.

North Gate

  1. A duel is taking place at Wardstone, with two different sorcerers fighting each other. One is using a flashy style with many effects; the other is more restrained in their casting.
  2. A patrol of Watchers is leaving the Black Tower. Several people shy away when the see the patrol.
  3. Visitors are entering the city and, by the way they are peering around in every direction with their mouths open, this is their first visit to the city.
  4. Watchers are escorting a captured sorcerer to the Vaults, making sure they don’t get a chance to break free or cast any spells.

Winter Gate

  1. A robed individual is bargaining with a vendor for an enchantment. They appear to be having difficulty agreeing on a price.
  2. A visitor is wandering the district lost and confused and asking for help, disoriented by the area’s effects.
  3. The route ahead seems to shift, blur and change, as if it is constantly moving and altering its destination.
  4. The air briefly shimmers and gives a glimpse of what looks like another world, one from a fairy story.

East District

  1. A group of excited children are being escorted to the Menagerie by what looks like a pair of teachers.
  2. A sorcerer gestures and conjures a creature up, speaks to it briefly, then dismisses it again.
  3. Someone walks past with a creature on a leash that doesn’t look like anything seen in nature.
  4. The Arches are activated and a number of people are teleported through them from the ground below.

Castle Archbliss

  1. A unit of Thuranen Guards arrives at a guard post and the current ones silently depart after their replacements show up.
  2. One of the viewing devices on Stargazer’s Tower shifts position to point at a new part of the sky.
  3. Several officials are chatting about a subject, but they cannot be overheard as it appears a spell is keeping their privacy intact.
  4. Thuranen Guards turn a tourist away who was seeking access to part of the castle, not listening to their protestations as they silently send the tourist on their way.

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D10: Rumours About the Ocean

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Those who sail the oceans will often tell strange stories about what can be encountered out there. Some of these may be true, some may not.

  1. A circular windstorm makes it impossible for ships to travel through it to see what is beyond. The storm quickly turns ships to splinters and it’s said there’s a similar effect underwater as well. The storm never moves and is clearly artificial in nature. Some say it’s a magical barrier erected by a mage or godling whose island lies within.
  2. A famous treasure ship went down many years ago and so far no-one has managed to find it, though many have looked. Recently, coins and other items that seem to be from the ship have been turning up in various ports, which would suggest that someone has discovered the ship, or stumbled across at least part of its cargo.
  3. Ghost ships aren’t an uncommon thing for sailors to claim they’ve seen, or to have actually seen, but it’s rumoured that there’s an entire fleet of ghost ships prowling the ocean. It’s said that those who encounter the fleet are attacked and, once defeated, the attacked ship and its crew join the ghost fleet. Though no-one has been able to confirm this, as no-one can definitely say they’ve encountered the fleet.
  4. Hidden behind a permanent bank of fog, forever hidden from the sun, is an island said to be occupied only by the spirits of the dead. The island is said to be where the souls of some of those lost at sea go, forever to haunt the place and never move on.
  5. Many ships have been lost to a maelstrom out in the deep ocean, which is a curious place for such to form. Moreover, sailors would have it that the maelstrom is found in different places, as it appears to move around. They claim that the maelstrom is a living thing that hunts down ships to swallow up in its swirling maw.
  6. Part of the ocean is to be avoided for the water there is like air in constitution, yet still water when it comes to breathe it. When ships travel into the region, they sink into the air-like water, as the water is unable to bear them up any more, and everyone onboard will drown unless they can breathe underwater or somehow escape to the surface.
  7. Sharks can be dangerous, though there are greater dangers in the ocean, and most sharks are not a threat. There’s a rumour, though, of a frenzy of sharks of many different types. These sharks seem to act with intelligence, seeking out prey and working together to attack it. Some suggest the sharks are intelligent; others that they are under the control of someone.
  8. There’s a pirate ship that is only intermittently seen, and no ship sent to hunt it down has been able to catch it. Those who have encountered the pirate ship say that it appears on the water out of nowhere, literally shimmering into existence, rather than visibility, and disappears the same way, making it impossible to catch without magic.
  9. There’s said to be a reef somewhere in the ocean, but one that isn’t constant. It seems to remain in roughly the same place, but sometimes it’s said to rise up from the sea bed, breaching the surface as ships pass and ripping out their bottoms. Sailors call it the Eater of Ships and swear it is alive.
  10. Whaling ships have been failing to return to port. There have been reports of bits and pieces of the ships washing up on the shores, or being found in the general area where they were last known to be. Finally, a survivor was found and the whaler said their ship was attacked by a pod of whales acting in concert to deliberately sink the ship.

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D10: Numenera Rumours – Dessanedi

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Mining operations on the Lambent Fields of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, uncovered a giant mechanical creature, whose discovery brought matters to a standstill, or at least legal activities. There are rumours of pitched fights happening on the Lambent Fields during the night, though there never appears to be any sign of large-scale conflict in the morning. Some say that this is because it isn’t happening; others that someone, or something, is removing any traces of conflict.
  2. Selascor Castle is a ruin south of White Lake in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, formerly home to the ruler of the area until he was hanged by his subjects after an uprising. There are rumours that those who have been near the 400-year-old ruin in recent months have seen signs of new construction at the castle, suggesting that someone has moved in again and is rebuilding the fortress.
  3. Sine Picalah in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, excavated a giant mechanical creature in the Lambent Fields, there have been continual problems as the city has split into different factions with different ideas as to what should be done from henceforth. There’s a rumour that, although mining operations have effectively come to a standstill, proof has been found that more of the mechanical creatures are buried beneath the fields.
  4. The city of Picalah in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, split into different factions following the discovery of a mechanical creature during mining operations. The four factions that formed have been fighting amongst each other and it’s rumoured this fighting is starting to become physical, not just verbal, with assassination attempts on members of opposing factions.
  5. The dust of the Lambent Fields in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is multicoloured and sines int he dimmest light. It is used by the wealthy to decorate everything from their homes to their bodies. There’s a rumour, though, that sometimes those who have been in direct contact with the dust for too long start to change, as the dust has an effect on their flesh.
  6. The Great Slab is a huge construct rising from the ground of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes. The Slab is steep-sided and a reddish black oil runs down the sides, making it impossible to climb. There are rumours that some have managed to reach the top of the Great Slab, but anyone claiming to have done so seems to disappear not long afterwards.
  7. The land of Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is covered with broken shards of glass, splintered from the outcroppings that form the region. Some say that the glass is not as inanimate as it sometimes appears to be. That, in parts of the wastes, the glass shards creep across the landscape, looking for creatures to enshroud and feed on.
  8. The town of Yosh-ul in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is not much more than a meeting point for the nomadic tribes of the plains, though it has permanent residents as well as transitory ones. The town has a natural spring that provides water for the inhabitants and some fields of food, but there’s a rumour that the spring’s flow has become increasingly erratic of late, as if it’s on the verge of drying up. Should that happen then Yosh-ul will become uninhabitable and will have to be abandoned.
  9. The Wandering Walk is a pilgrimage route through the Ninth World and parts of it pass through Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes. The wastes are not the safest places to travel through at the best of times, but there are rumours of numerous parties of pilgrims disappearing along the route in recent months. It seems that those most likely to disappear are those new to the Walk, which might be a reasonable explanation for why they disappear, but not why the number has increased.
  10. White Lake in Dessanedi, the Jagged Wastes, is a small town on the edge of a lake where ferrix turtles lay their eggs every spring. The eggs are a delicacy and the inhabitants carefully leave enough to ensure another generation every year. However, the number of eggs being laid by the turtles is reportedly decreasing year on year, meaning the number that can safely harvested each year is also declining. It could be that the turtles are dying out.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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D10: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: The Queendom of Hazurrium

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Citadel Hazurrium can be hard for newcomers to navigate initially, due to the vertical manner of its construction, though most can grasp how the place is organised without too much difficulty. It’s rumoured, though, that some of those who struggle to start with disappear in the citadel without a trace.
  2. Citadel Hazurrium is a place where many adventuring companies gain official charters, gaining benefits for both Hazurrium and the companies. Different charters are available with different rights and responsibilities, but it’s rumoured that money in the right place can get an adventuring company a charter with more rights than should have been granted.
  3. First Protector Navar is a qephilim of the Free Battalion and the leader of Hazurrium’s royal peacemakers, the most feared of the three main contingents of the peacemakers. It’s rumoured that Navar may soon be leaving the post, with suggestions of injury, ill health and a falling out with the Queen being given as some potential reasons.
  4. In order to stop necromancers and others from trucking with corpses and the spirits of the dead from the Path of the Dead outside Citadel Hazurrium, Free Battalion mercenaries and peacekeepers patrol the area. Those who sleep near are troubled by terrifying nightmares, and it’s rumoured that recently these nightmares have not only grown worse, but that many seem to be sharing the same nightmare.
  5. The Black Moon Explorers are perhaps one of the best known of the adventuring companies based out of Citadel Hazurrium, and the company still accepts new applications for membership. Some say this is because the company suffers a lot of losses in their missions, and usually amongst the new members, who are inadequately trained and equipped.
  6. The Grieving Vortex is a flatiron carved in the shape of a massive humanoid with a drawn and broken blade. On occasion, the formation screams as wind is exhaled from the open maw. Those who have been keeping track of the screams claim that the frequency with which they occur is increasing.
  7. The previous queen of the Queendom of Hazurrium, Brandalun, mother of the current queen, Elandine, gave the throne to her daughter and left on a quest for a mystical mechanism following a vision. Queen Elandine believes that the vision was a farce, a sign of her mother being senile, but it’s rumoured that she, too, has had such a vision recently, changing her opinion of the matter.
  8. The Queendom of Hazurrium has the largest fighting force in the Daylands, consisting of several contingents of peacemakers as well as a contract with a mercenary company that is mostly comprised of Free Battalion qephilim. It’s rumoured that, despite the size of the current force, the Queendom is looking to both increase the number of peacemakers and hire more mercenaries, though to what aim is unknown.
  9. There are many different markets in Citadel Hazurrium, with traders selling goods from all over the Daylands and Oceanus. As well as the well-known markets, there are rumoured to be other, secret markets, where goods that are far less legal and ethical can be bought. Such markets would be ended if they were found, so discovering where they are is far more difficult.
  10. There’s a ruined city in the undermountain caverns reached through the mouth of the Grieving Vortex in the Nammu Mountains. There are rumours about what might dwell in the city, none of them good, and it’s also rumoured that something has been plaguing the mountains in the region around the Grieving Vortex recently, with a number of disappearances.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Northside

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Northside district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. Dillon Murphy is a solo in Northside with a reputation for protecting women and children and a soft spot for pretty redheads with little cyberware and lots of freckles. It’s rumoured that Murphy has angered some gangs with his chivalric acts and some are rumoured to be looking to hire, or sculpt, a woman that looks like Murphy’s type so that they can get close to the solo and finish him off.
  2. Dynalar Technologies in Northside designs and manufactures cyberlimbs in the facility, and it’s rumoured that they have some very experimental designs created in some labs that are definitely off the books, due to some of the methods used to gain subjects to try the new designs on.
  3. Everything and More is relatively safe from gang violence for Northside, but recently that relatively has been becoming less and less relevant. If it’s dangerous enough, the store’s clientele will go elsewhere, and it’s said that the owners are planning on stepping up the quality of security more than a little, and getting proactive with dealing with violence.
  4. N.C.P.D. has raided the Meratis Warehouse in Northside twice, following tips that black market weapons are sold from the place for the city’s gangs, but have found nothing. It’s rumoured that the gunrunners have someone inside the department who tips them off about upcoming raids, and some officers are said to be intending to make the next raid be a complete surprise, using only carefully vetted police.
  5. O’Flaherty’s Tavern in Northside is suspected by the police to be a place where O’Flaherty provides sanctuary to fellow countryman in a spot of bother with the law and to those supplying the Northern Irish Pacification Zone with weapons. It’s rumoured that some members of the N.C.P.D. have been pushing to investigate the tavern, but that others, who would appear to share O’Flaherty’s origin, have suggested to them that such investigations would be bad for one’s career. And health.
  6. Psycol in the Renwald Plaza in Northside is a therapy house for registered cyberpsychos that operates out of the fortified fourth floor. Despite the protections to the business, there are rumours that, every now and then, one of the cyberpsychos inside breaks loose and causes havoc.
  7. The Pit in Northside is a rundown building that is now home to the Slaughterhouse, one of the most dangerous and powerful gangs in the city. To date, only one attempt has been made to turf them out, and that failed badly, but it’s rumoured that a number of businesses are talking about combining resources to set N.C.P.D. and Arasaka on the gang. Should the Slaughterhouse discover who might be considering this, they would probably try to personally incentivise them to discontinue.
  8. The Range in Northside is one of California’s most famous indoor shooting galleries, where the user can also learn how to fire many different weapons. It’s rumoured that the gallery has other, less legal, options, where those with the money can shoot at targets that are alive and moving or can gain access to weaponry that would otherwise be difficult to obtain due to legal issues.
  9. The Sandorf Hotel in Northside is a condemned hotel that a number of smaller gangs occupy and keep standing to ensure a roof over their heads. It is also the recipient of frequent drive-by firebombing, due to being in contested territory, and it’s rumoured that something larger, and more permanent, is being planned to take care of the hotel once and for all.
  10. The Wildmark in Northside is a flophouse for those who are tired of living. Those who rent a place there are often killed for just the few measly euros in their pocket, and the police just regard this as scum killing scum. It’s rumoured that not every body killed there comes out; sometimes, the dead person is stripped for parts and any viable organs, body parts or cyberware ends up on the market.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Northside is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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Cities of Sundara: Dragon Steel Tools (PFRPG)

Image: Azukail Games

Dragon steel, a valuable export from Ironfire: The City of Steel, is a superior form of steel that is stronger than normal steel. Its primary use is making weapons and armour, but anything that would normally be made of steel can be made from dragon steel for improved hardness, strength and performance, which includes tools. Just as with weapons and armour, dragon steel tools are not automatically masterwork but masterwork versions can be made.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as artisan’s tools but add a +1 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

These tools add a +3 circumstance bonus to Craft checks made with them.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel

These tools serve the same purpose as thieves’ tools but grant a +1 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This kit has more tools and grant a +3 circumstance bonus to Disable Device checks.

Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork

This superior quality item adds a +3 circumstance bonus made to related skill checks. Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack.

Item Cost Weight
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel 10 gp 5 lbs
Artisan’s Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 110 gp 5 lbs
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel 60 gp 1 lb
Thieves’ Tools, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 200 gp 2 lbs
Tool, Dragon Steel, Masterwork 100 gp 1 lb

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