Category Archives: GameMaster’s Resource

D10: Numenera Rumours – The University of Doors

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Few of those who stumble across the University of Doors through one of its portals are allowed to actually enter and study at the university, not even allowed inside the chimerical gatewall that surrounds the place. It’s rumoured that the percentage has been gradually reducing over the years, which may suggest that the number of people finding the university is increasing, but the number considered suitable students is not.
  2. Just as the Hinge Lab separated from the Science Lab in the University of Doors, there’s a push to create other labs for the other different elements of a door. So far, this hasn’t got anywhere, as it’s stated to be needless complication, but that hasn’t stopped people from trying.
  3. Living passages, including some that are sentient, are studied in the Atrium in University of Doors. Some postulate it may be possible to create an entire, living, network of passages to wrap around the Ninth World, and that this network could also become a vast intelligence. Others agree, but state this sounds like a very bad idea.
  4. Sajeen Dar is the current headstone of the University of Doors and is coming to the end of his ten-year term. Former headstones can go through one final door; after which they may never go through a door again unless invited to do so by the holder of that door, or be hunted down and killed by the gibbs. It’s rumoured that this headstone is trying to find a way around this, and has been lavishing money and resources around secretly with this aim.
  5. The Archivolt is a flock of mechanical birds shaped like keys that fly around and through the doors in the chimerical wall that surrounds the University of Doors. The Archivolt appear to take pleasure in harassing would-be students, and there’s a rumour that, if a student is utterly unsuited, the Archivolt may turn violent.
  6. The End of Doors is a building on the campus of the University of Doors that has only one, simple door and contains an empty space without doors, given students and staff a break from doors. There’s a rumour, though, that the empty space is itself a type of door, a very unusual one that is difficult to open.
  7. The locked passageways, often called diums, through which prospective students may reach the University of Doors, can be found anywhere in the world and made of anything. There’s a rumour that, sometimes, what appears to be a dium is something different. It provides access to another location; this is not the university, however, but a far darker place.
  8. The Science Lab of the University of Doors has an infamous recent history involving an exploding double-door. Rumour has it that this explosion wasn’t simply the result of an accident, but that someone deliberately sabotaged an experiment, for an unknown reason, to cause it to fail dramatically.
  9. The University of Doors is located in an alternate universe, but its actual location is kept secret, including from the university’s students and staff, with access through doors hidden around the world. There’s a rumour that, over the years, more than one person has attempted to find the university’s true location. It’s said that those that try eventually walk through a door but fail to come out the other side.
  10. Those who wish to enter the University of Doors must solve a puzzle given by the Archivolt, which gives them a clue as to what they need to create to enter. There are rumours, though, that the Archivolt sometimes gives out clues that, if solved, do not open a door to the university, a way of weeding out those who are considered unsuitable, not merely for the university, but life itself.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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D10: The Strange Rumours – Ruk

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten  rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. A small group of Ruk’s inhabitants are said to be promoting only natural birth and claiming that family connections are far more important than the inhabitants believe. Their beliefs, in fact, seem to have been influenced by Earth humans’ approach to children and family, and those factions who are less keen on Earth are proclaiming that the group has been tainted and needs eradicating.
  2. Devotees of the All Song of Ruk say that the All Song arose as a way to repair the damage done to the True Code by whatever accident Ruk suffered in the Strange. There are claims, though, that as a patch, the All Song is flawed, and it is now at the stage where it is causing more damage to Ruk than it is solving.
  3. It’s believed that some sort of accident in the Strange damaged Ruk severely, compromising both its structure and the True Code on which everything depends. There are claims that this accident wasn’t an accident, and was instead the result of deliberate action by malign forces, but no-one seems to know just who or what said forces might be.
  4. Most believe that the inhabitants of Ruk did not originally look like humans from Earth, as they do now, but reshaped themselves so that they could better interact with the people of Earth. Not everyone of Ruk believes this, but there are rumours of a small faction who not only believe it but believe that the people of Ruk should seek to regain their original form, blaming Earth humans for them having changed from their rightful shape.
  5. Perhaps half of Ruk’s population doesn’t experience natural childbirth, instead being grown in vats. There have been rumours of problems with some of these vats recently, with those being born from them coming out… wrong. No-one seems to be clear at how they are wrong, but something just doesn’t feel right about them.
  6. Ruk was built as a lifeboat fleeing the consumption by a planetovore of its originating civilisation, eventually getting wrecked on the Shoals of Earth, though little more is known about the event or the origin. There are rumours that Ruk wasn’t the only lifeboat constructed by the civilisation, and that there may be at least one more out there somewhere.
  7. The Church of the Embodiment is the largest of Ruk’s factions and believes that adhering and preserving the True Code will result in the arrival of a messiah. It’s rumoured that some members of the faction believe that the All Song is preventing their messiah from arriving, and are planning to take action against followers of the All Song.
  8. The walls of Ruk are massive spars of organimer that pierce and protect the landscape, though some also lie shattered. It’s rumoured that the organimer spars are starting to break, though, and break at an increasing speed. None claim to have seen this happen, but it’s said that the factions are trying to discover if this is true and, if it is, discover a way of stopping it.
  9. Those of Ruk seek to find fragments of their lost genetic code that are represented in the True Code. There are rumours that, somewhere, perhaps hidden on Ruk, in the Strange nearby or even upon Earth, is a repository of the True Code that contains much of the missing knowledge, and there are many factions that would love to get their hands on such a repository.
  10. Though those of Earth only recently became aware of Ruk, those of Ruk have known of Earth since before recorded history. It’s believed that a number of historical figures may have come from Ruk, and some suggest that Ruk has been gradually shaping Earth’s history of its own ends.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Medical Center district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. A contract dispute between Amerline and the private security force they hired to maintain the Amerline Depot in Medical Center has resulted in an upsurge in crime in the depot. Because of this, some customers are reputedly choosing not to use the company, which may lead to them resolving the dispute quickly, and others are said to have decided to protect themselves, often pre-emptively, which has led to a number of incidents.
  2. Argus Inc. in the Barbican Building of Night City’s Medical Center has been focusing on developing software for many local medical facilities. There have been rumours of problems with some of the applications developed recently, which is unusual as Argus programs are normally considered to be the most reliable on the market. Though it’s possible Argus may have been cutting corners, it’s perhaps more likely that someone is attempting to damage their reputation.
  3. Medical Technologies in Night City’s Medical Center grows new body parts and stores existing ones, all for use in medical purposes. The building has fairly low security, even though what’s stored could be considered to be valuable, but it’s rumoured that it’s only most of the building that has relatively low security. There are said to be hidden labs whose security would make Arasaka envious. Which leads to speculation as to just what might be going on in them.
  4. Night City’s Municipal Criminal Justice Complex in Medical Center is, naturally, one of the city’s most secure buildings, housing as it does Police Precinct #1 as well as jail cells, police academy and all the relevant other offices and training areas. Equally naturally, some consider a building so secure to be a challenge. No-one has managed to break the security, or at least no-one is known to have, and there are rumours about just what happens to those why try and fail.
  5. The Jellical Inn in Night City’s Medical Center requires all the personnel attire themselves as cats, which proves to be a popular diversion for the primarily business travellers to whom the hotel caters. There are rumours that some of the personnel are not merely attired as cats, but have had cybernetic enhancements to make a more convincing appearance, and that these personnel are for travellers with more… exotic tastes.
  6. The MacMillan Building in Night City’s Medical Center is occupied by a large number of psychologists and psychiatrists. Sometimes, someone with more serious problems than the white-collar people the practitioners usually see is brought into the building. It’s rumoured that there is a very secure room hidden within the building’s core after an incident involving a cyberpsycho.
  7. The Night Owl in the Bay Bridge Residential Hotel in Night City’s Medical Center is one of the few bars in the city that never closes. Those who patronise the bar are tend to mind their own business, and it’s rumoured a few of them use the bar as a place to mind their own illegal business; it’s said that with the right contacts at the Night Owl you can get just about anything you might want.
  8. The U(F)C Health Sciences Center in Night City’s Medical Center is a branch of the University of Free California Medical School and med students go there for their two years of schooling. The students and interns won’t turn people away from the 24-hour emergency clinic, due to wanting the practice, but expensive supplies will be cut back if someone can’t afford the fee. It’s also rumoured that some of those who can’t afford to pay do end up paying in other ways, as they are dismantled and sold piecemeal as donor organs and slightly used cyberware.
  9. There’s a rumour that information that could be quite embarrassing for the federal government has been acquired by a netrunner. Little is known of the details, but it’s been said that representatives have been seen at Eurasiabank Plaza in Night City’s Medical Center, apparently in talks with the bank about the matter.
  10. WorldSat Communications Center in Night City’s Medical Center is occasionally accused by a paranoid of beaming microwaves at their offices in the Corporate Center. There’s no evidence this is true, or why WorldSat would want to do it, but it’s rumoured that one individual was so convinced of this that they tried to beam their own microwaves back at WorldSat.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Medical Center is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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Dark Waters Luck Gift (PFRPG)

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stockart © Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games

The Dark Waters of Sundara are a species of gnome from Species of Sundara: Gnomes (PFRPG) that lives in the swamps of the world. Luck is a serious matter to these gnomes, and they will give luck gifts to others as a mark of respect or affection. Luck gifts cannot be sold, as doing so brings only bad luck.

Dark Waters Luck Gift

Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price N/A; Weight


Luck gifts can take many forms, but are always a small trinket that can be carried or worn; amulets around the neck are the most common.

Luck gifts can be used once to make an unsuccessful roll into a successful one, after which they break and become unusable.

Luck gifts, if someone is foolish enough to sell them, do not work for the buyer and curse the seller with a -2 penalty on all rolls until the curse is removed.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, divine favour; Cost N/A

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D10: Tavern Tables

Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Characters can spend a lot of time in inns and taverns in a fantasy setting, and here are ten different tables to decorate such a place.

  1. Crudely made table that looks to have been knocked together from whatever pieces of wood were lying around, including crates, barrels and less identifiable scraps. The table, despite its manufacture, is surprisingly sturdy.
  2. Just under the top of the table are iron catches that can be moved into position. These catches are fitted on each side of the table, two per side for short sides and four for long sides. These allow the table to be securely fastened to other tables, extending the area.
  3. Symbols have been carved into the wood of this table. On examination, they prove to be charms of dubious efficacy intended to stop trouble and fights and generate good luck and happiness.
  4. The names of many different adventurers have been carved into the surface of this wooden table. The majority of them have had a line carved through the name, indicating that they died.
  5. The table has been elegantly carved and is practically a work of art. The top surface is just a simple polished surface, as that gets the most use, but the thick legs have been carved into fantastic scenes.
  6. The table has been made from wrought iron painted black, and it has been formed from many curls and loops. The top of the table is difficult to keep things balanced on and the entire thing is extremely heavy.
  7. The table is annoying to use, as one of its legs is noticeably shorter than the other four, making it wobble when used. Something will need sticking under the leg to keep it straight.
  8. The table is badly stained, despite attempts to clean it, which look to have included sanding it down. The stains, if examined more closely, prove to be blood that has seeped into the wood.
  9. The table is of extremely cheap, flimsy and lightweight construction. If it’s used in a tavern brawl, it will not do much damage but it will be cheap to replace. It seems the tavern’s owner may have bought the table with that in mind.
  10. The top of the table has been carved with several chess or checkers boards, allowing patrons to play, though they will need to provide their own pieces.

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D8: Numenera Rumours – Augur-Kala

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has eight rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. The Allagos is the ruler of the Augur city of Urzat Zarteri, and gaining the position requires experience, appointment and formal combat. There’s a rumour that the current Allagos has been suffering from an illness recently, which may make her unsuitable for the position, or at least unable to defend it in combat.
  2. It’s said that the Augurs of Augur-Kala used to have a strong affinity to the numenera, but that their knowledge of it is declining over the years, as those with the expertise grow old and die, taking their knowledge with them. There are rumours that some of the Augurs have been looking to the numenera, hoping to find methods, perhaps extreme ones, of preserving the knowledge of the past.
  3. Near the centre of Augur-Kala is a metal structure that appears to have burst violently from the earth. The Augurs are said to be descended from a people who lived in the structure, though memories of this have long been lost. It’s rumoured that there are other, similar structures buried underground in the region, but how these could be found isn’t known.
  4. The Augur fortress city of Urzat Zarteri is guarded by floating sentries called Narit Gresh, which looks like cylinders of rusty metal combines with grafted flesh and weapons. Sometimes, it’s said, one of the Narit Gresh goes wild and starts attacking anything nearby; this can only be stopped by removing the flesh currently grafted to the machine.
  5. The Augurs of Augur-Kala inside the Clock of Kala look like normal humans, they are on the whole better; smarter, stronger, faster, more attractive and longer-lived. There are rumours that some of the Augurs believe that they natural superiority makes them the natural rulers of humanity, and are working towards that goal.
  6. The Lug Sorek of Augur-Kala are creatures that resemble great winged cragworms, and they are one of the most dangerous things found in the land. It’s said that the numbers of Lug Sorek have been gradually increasing over the years, and eventually they will be in large enough numbers to pose enough of a threat that they could overrun Augur-Kala.
  7. The numbers of the Augurs of Augur-Kala have been steadily declining over the years, despite their greater age and health, and they are rarely able to have children with outsiders. There are rumours of dubious breeding experiments being carried out within the land, whereby the Augurs hope to increase their numbers by making unions with outsiders more fertile.
  8. The Zealitor is the ruler of Augur-Kala, a being of gengineered flesh fused with synth enhancements who lives in the city of Sada Emidu. It’s rumoured that the Zealitor is also bound to his grand palace in some way, and that the being is unable to leave it without losing a significant amount of his power.

Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.

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D10: The Strange Rumours – Ardeyn: Night Vault

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. A group of adventurer-prospectors known as the Lost Coda has been scouting the Halls of Adaman and it’s said that they are in need of others to help them, thanks to the almost daily attacks by the dangerous creatures that live in the Halls. The pay is said to be good, but it’s rumoured that deaths amongst those they hire are high.
  2. Ardeyn’s Night Vault isn’t that hard to reach, as there are many caves, mines and old tombs on the surface that connect to passages that lead to the Night Vault. It’s rumoured that those who venture into the wrong passages, though, become trapped in the Night Vault, unable to leave again, due to venturing somewhere whilst living that only a soul should have gone.
  3. The chambers and rooms of the Halls of Adaman are said to be full of still-sealed areas containing relics from the ancient qephilim builders, from tombs to artefacts to strange beings. There are said to be warnings inscribed within the Halls, telling any who enter not to open any sealed chambers as they may not be able to cope with whatever is within them.
  4. The Court of Sleep in the Night Vault still performs its ancient tasks of collecting and assessing the wandering spirits of the dead, to determine their final fate. There are rumours, though, that the Court is starting to fall apart. The qephilim of the Court are mortal, and it’s said that their numbers are no longer being replaced, meaning that as time passes there are less and less qephilim to shepherd the spirits of the dead.
  5. The Halls of Adaman in the Night Vault were quarried by the Qephilim of Lore and the Qephilim of Commerce but have since become infested by evil, though many treasures remain within. It’s rumoured that there are qephilim, or perhaps the pale shadows of such, stalking the halls, seeking something they lost long ago.
  6. The Roads of Sorrow are haunted by umber wolves that seek out the spirits of the dead in order to devour them, unless the umber judges of the Court of Sleep manage to intervene first. It’s rumoured that the umber wolves have been heading closer and closer to the surface of Ardeyn, in order to get to the souls before the umber judges, and that some might even be venturing out onto the surface itself.
  7. The Screaming Rift in the Halls of Adaman is a large shaft whose screaming comes from the sound air makes as it is sucked into the shaft. Things that are sucked into the rift tend not to come back out again. It’s rumoured that the size of the Screaming Rift is growing, which means that the danger it presents could also be growing.
  8. The umber judges of the Court of Sleep walk the Roads of Sorrow, looking for the souls of the dead before they can be snared by Lotan the Sinner. The souls they fail to catch become ashen demons, servants of the Sinner. It’s rumoured that other servants of Lotan are attempting to interfere with the work of the Court of Sleep, so that an army of ashen demons in the service of Lotan can be raised.
  9. There are a number of powers in the Roads of the Dead and the Night Vault, with the Court of Sleep being the most well-known. Some of these are known of, though not as well as the Court, but it’s rumoured that there are other, minor, powers that lurk on the edges of the Roads, with goals that are a mystery to most.
  10. Those who die on Ardeyn can have their spirits rescued from the Night Vault and restored to a living body and thereby restored to life. This is a difficult and dangerous thing to do, and there are rumours that some of those who are brought back to life this way are, for want of a better word, wrong. Some think their spirits have been changed by the experiences, but others say that, sometimes, something that is not the spirit sought takes its place in order for it to be brought to life.

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D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block

10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City

Cyberpunk CityThis list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard in or about the Bank Block district of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. 1st CitiBank is one of the few American banks holding its own against the European and Japanese banks. 1st CitiBank Tower in Night City’s Bank Block is heavily protected as a result, but there are rumours that this protection is under constant test and attack at the moment, as it seems a competitor, or perhaps just a group that hates the bank, is trying to breach its defences.
  2. Corporate security on the streets of Bank Block has increased recently, and it looks like different companies are all increasing their security presence, as well as hiring Arasaka Security for patrols. There’s a rumour that a threat has been made against the companies in the district, and that the companies plan to eliminate any potential threats before they can do anything.
  3. Night City Technical College in the Bank Block district of Night City is a fairly typical urban technical college with a typical range of courses on offer. It’s rumoured that some of the tutors teach off the books courses other than those advertised to select clientele, and that those with the money and the right contacts can learn skills useful on the wrong side of the law.
  4. Safe Child in Bank Block is rumoured to not be as sage as it’s supposed to be, despite using Arasaka Security. It’s said that the company has run into the occasional problem, and that to safeguard its reputation it has not only killed the people responsible for causing it problems, it’s also killed the children and parents affected, so that they are unable to spread any tales.
  5. The Federal Building in Night City’s Bank Block was built before California became a Free State. The federal government still maintains a small presence in the city, but there are rumours that either the Federal Building is going to be sold, or that California is simply going to take it over.
  6. The Japanese consul-general, Juzo Inoue, made many enemies during his time as the director of an industrial combine and is under constant guard. He rarely leaves the Japanese consulate in Night City’s Bank Block, and the consulate is so well-guarded that attacking with anything short of an army would be foolhardy. It’s rumoured that the consul-general’s enemies know this, and are attempting to steal his itinerary in order to make an attempt outside the compound. They are said to be offering a large amount of money for anyone who can gain access to it.
  7. The Night City Medical Center in Bank Block is the city’s largest hospital and is annexed to the city’s most prestigious medical research school. Though the hospital doesn’t accept charity cases, there are rumours that sometimes street people are taken inside, but never come out again because doing research requires people to carry out research on, and it’s best to use those who will not be missed.
  8. The Night City Stock Exchange and Trade Center Building in Night City’s Bank Block has some of the heaviest computer security in the city, as tampering with the exchange is tampering with world markets. This doesn’t stop netrunners from trying, though, and it’s said that the Exchange does its best to send permanent messages to those netrunners they track down, being willing to send carriers of said message to any place on the globe, or even in orbit.
  9. Winifred Ashcroft-Hammersmith, the manager of the Ashcroft Hotel in Bank Block, is both reclusive and eccentric and as a result her daughter, Julia, does most of the actual work. There are rumours that Winifred has not been seen by anyone but Julia in weeks, and some wonder if something has happened to her. Perhaps with Julia’s assistance.
  10. Yarakimi Inoue is the daughter of the Japanese consul general for Night City and the teenager has a reputation for getting in all sorts of trouble. However, her father is well-connected and hires Arasaka security teams to get his daughter out of trouble. Rumour is that anyone who thinks Kimi is easy prey has a tendency to disappear.

Want some general cyberpunk rumours? Check out 100 Cyber City Rumours.

D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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D10: Hackers to Encounter

HackerIn a variety of modern and futuristic settings, characters may well encounter hackers, even if they never meet these hackers in person. Here are ten different hackers, with their handles and general behaviour, to encounter.

  • 4NN1H11470r: 4NN1H11470r is a hacker who just likes breaking stuff and causing trouble. They have no real goal beyond hurting other people, and if that leads to deaths, so much the better.
  • H1 7H3r3: H1 7H3r3 just does it for the challenge; the more secure the system, the bigger the challenge. Once into a system, H1 7H3r3 leaves comments in supposedly secure file locations offering their services to fix the security problem.
  • 5113NC3: 5113NC3 is a hacker that is after money, but not one that goes for the big scores. Instead, 5113NC3 just siphons off bits from many different transactions; a few pennies here, a dollar there. Over thousands of transactions, these amounts add up.
  • J0K3r: J0K3r likes pulling pranks by breaking into systems and getting things to malfunction. These are not malicious pranks, overall, but they are often embarrassing.
  • 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y: 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y is a purely mercenary, and completely amoral, hacker. They will do whatever it is they are paid to do, and are not bothered by such outdated notions as ethics. 5H0W M3 7H3 M0N3Y will work for anyone who can pay, no matter how objectionable.
  • M07H3r 6414: M07H3r 6414 is an environmental hacktivist who specialises in breaking into the files of companies, especially those engaged in greenwashing to make them look good, and exposes the dirty secrets they’d rather keep hidden.
  • 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M: 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M is an anarchist. Their sole goal is the undermining and destruction of existing systems; political, social, monetary, whatever. 8r34K 7H3 5Y573M doesn’t seem to have anything they want to replace those systems with either.
  • 1NQU15170r: 1NQU15170r is a political hacker. They seek to uncover the secrets politicians try to hide and release them to the press in order to remove from office those politicians that 1NQU15170r finds objectionable.
  • CH4r17Y: CH4r17Y breaks into local government systems and diverts money away from those areas. CH4r17Y instead moves the monies through a complex web of transactions until they are received by local charities and other causes.
  • 1UN471C: 1UN471C gives no impression that they’re rational at all. What they do changes from week to week, day to day and sometimes even hour to hour. They can go from participating in a crime, to shopping the others to the police, to supporting a politician to undermining their campaign with no apparent logic.

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D6: Numenera Rumours – The Clock of Kala

Numenera Cover
TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has six rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. “Iyene Who Knows” is a broker of knowledge in Norou outside the Clock of Kala. She trades information and is known to many, from criminals to the law-abiding to those in distant towns. Iyene is always increasing the amount of information she has, and there are rumours that she has also amassed a stock of blackmail material that means she is the true power in the city.
  2. Lord Abellor is the tyrannical despot of Norou, the trade city that serves as the last waypoint for people heading through the Clock of Kala. Abellor has soldiers, but his brain is also encased inside a powerful automaton, meaning that defeating him is extremely difficult. There’s a rumour, though, that the automaton needs certain specialised compounds in order to keep functioning and that, if it was deprived of those, Lord Abellor would become powerless.
  3. The circular mountain range known as the Clock of Kala gains its name for its resemblance to a clock face, when viewed from above. There’s a rumour that this name is not merely because of the range’s resemblance to a clock, but it is a clock, one constructed by a prior civilisation for an unknown reason and purpose. It’s said if the clock starts ticking again, it will be the herald of the end of the Ninth World and the start of the Tenth.
  4. The Ghostis is the ruler of Wislayn in the Clock of Kala and behaves as if the town is her own private home and that others are only there as her guests. She is said to have the ability to eject people from the extradimensional space, and it’s rumoured that some of those ejected don’t end up back in the normal world.
  5. The Sheer is a clearly artificial path cut through the Clock of Kala and, despite years of geologic activity, it has remained in almost the same shape as when it was first cut. There’s a rumour, though, that rockfalls have been more common of late; usually, they are so uncommon that it’s possible for none to happen in a human lifetime. Why this should be happening, if true, isn’t known.
  6. Wislayn is in the middle of the eastern end of the Sheer of the Clock of Kala, and is a strange artefact that appears to resemble a living thing made of violent crystal, perhaps a polyp, tree or tentacled sea creature. About a thousand people use this artefact as their home, living in an extradimensional space inside the artefact. There’s a rumour that Wislayn doesn’t merely resemble a living creature, it is one, though one that is currently in some form of stasis. What might happen to the people inside should this turn out to be true, and the stasis broken, isn’t known.

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