100 Belare for Esper Genesis

100 Belare for Esper Genesis

100 Belare for Esper GenesisBelare are beings of energy and this supplement has 100 such for Esper Genesis.

Each belare is given a name and a brief description. They can be used as chance encounters or potential allies or foes.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

22. Danormia: Danormia is a belare who, for those who know about them, seems to spend most of their time somewhere else, probably beyond the rim of the Silrayne Arc. The belare will surface in a station or port after being gone for some time, often years, do various tasks that seem incomprehensible to the observers and then vanish again. Not literally vanish, but they head off out into the dark. There are occasional rumours about just what Danormia is doing beyond the edge of known civilisation, and some wonder if it might have something to do with the vanished belare empire.

23. Darogatus: There are old structures from the former belare empire scattered across the galaxy, which the modern belare use as meeting places and safeholds. Darogatus is a belare who explores some of these structures, especially those that are less commonly visited. They seek to find hidden places in the old settlements and structures, to see what the ancient belare might have left behind that their modern descendants do not know about. Darogatus seems to be mostly doing this out of curiosity, rather than out of a desire to find something in particular.

24. Delravus: Belare as a whole require containment suits in order to interact with the other species of the galaxy, but Delravus is a belare who seems to have problems even then. Whenever they try to communicate to other species whilst inside their containment suit, the communications come out mangled and nonsensical, though they seem to have no difficulties communicating with other belare. This doesn’t appear to be a problem with Delravus’s containment suit either, as that has been fixed multiple times; it seems to be integral to the belare themselves.

Released: 24th August 2024 Pages: 13

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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