100 Birds for Pirates of Pugmire

100 Birds for Pirates of Pugmire

100 Birds for Pirates of PugmireThis is a collection of 100 different birds that could be encountered in and around the Acid Sea and the lands beyond.

Each bird is given a name and a description of who they are and what they do. Some could be useful contacts or providers of goods or services. Others could be potential sources of adventure hooks, allies or foes.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

86. Saskia of the Eight Feathers: Saskia is a parrot who seems to be in a perpetual state of irritation, especially, and perhaps unusually, with sparrows and crows. This is down to the bird nestes being divided into a hierarchy, with parrots, being the neste with no abilities at flying, at the bottom. This position is something that annoys the parrot, even though it often seems to have little influence on bird behaviour; Saskia still things it’s wrong and should be abolished altogether, and has no problems saying so, especially when there are crows and sparrows around. Which has instigated a few fights.

87. Sauvanne of the Three Collars: Sauvanne is a parrot who likes dogs. Not more than other birds, of course, but the parrot feels that birds have more commonalities with dogs than they have with the other species. Or, rather, an often-mutual dislike for cats; Sauvanne hates cats with a passion. The parrot seeks out dogs, and other birds, who feel the same way, believing that the two species together can keep the evil of the cats in check, for it’s clear, to Sauvanne anyway, that cats are in league with the Unseen, many knowingly, others not, and need stopping.

88. Senofonte of the Secret Laughter: It’s well-known that birds and cars do not get along, and that birds in the monarchies will not have the easiest time of it. Senofonte is a bird who helps
by gathering as much information on what the cats are doing, and again especially in the monarchies, and then distributing this information to other birds. And dogs and lizards for that matter
in some cases. Senofonte believes that everyone who isn’t a cat needs to know what the cats are doing. The cats, naturally given their penchant for secrets, disagree with this.

Released: 13th July 2024 Pages: 17

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