100 Broadcasts in the Madness Network

100 Broadcasts in the Madness Network

100 Broadcasts in the Madness NetworkAll Malkavians are connected to the Madness Network. The Madness Network has many names, such as the Cobweb and the Hive, and nobody really knows why it exists. In it, each childe of Malkav has a presence, and everyone can sense it in some fashion. Each experience will be different from another, and if one tries to send a message out, there’s a chance it will get caught up in the mix of hundreds of other voices. More often than not the Network itself is relatively quiet; think of it as a radio in the background that you can ignore. Every once in a while, however, a strong voice or image wrenches itself into the front of a Malkavian’s mind.

It can be difficult to come up with different things that might be sent through the Network, so I have compiled a list of 100 different things a Malkavian may hear, see, feel or otherwise experience as a way to give inspiration. You can use these as they are, or alter them as necessary to best fit your game. The best thing about the Network is that all voices are right and wrong and up and down and true.

Here are some sample results:

2. The Plot: Local Kindred are being held captive by unknown means.

The way in which the Network tries to warn the Malkavian: If the Malkavian sees a future victim they begin to get a very intense fear of claustrophobia. They feel as if the walls are coming in and they can’t move.

60. The Madness Network’s vision: You hear the song “Total Eclipse of the Heart” playing over and over again. It’s just faint enough that it doesn’t drown out the sound of anyone near you, but loud enough for you to recognize the lyrics. The potential meaning and plot option: This prompt can be used to signify something bad happening to a Mortal loved one.

76. You hear the constant sound of rain.

Released: 26th March 2022 Pages: 14

PDF ($1.49): Storytellers Vault

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