100 Dendus for Esper Genesis

100 Dendus for Esper Genesis

100 Dendus for Esper GenesisDendus are one of the oldest intelligent species of the Silrayne Arc and this supplement has 100 such for Esper Genesis.

Each dendus is given a name and a brief description. They can be used as chance encounters or potential allies or foes.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

66. Nulren Duiaric: The dendus are one of the oldest civilisations of the Silrayne Arc, second only to the belare, and Nulren is a dendus high-kin who seeks to explore the history between the two different species, believing that, given the age of both, they must have interacted at some point in the past, perhaps even before the belare become the energy beings they are today. The dendus isn’t certain as to what they might find hidden in the past, but believes it is worth exploring for the sake of knowledge alone, and is interested in any sites or documentation from the past related to the two species.

67. Oehlbook Tanagel: Oehlbook is a dendus path-kin who, like so many path-kin, studies the Crucibles and the knowledge they contain. The dendus, though, quickly gets bored with whatever it is they are currently doing and soon travels to a new place and a new Crucible, in the hopes of finding another group, whatever their species, doing something that they find interesting. This has led to Oehlbook becoming well-travelled with a wide range of knowledge, not only on the Crucibles but on all the different species of the Silrayne Arc, though mostly of those members who also study the Crucibles.

68. Orhelgo Aelkle: Orhelgo is large and bulky for a dendus, a species known for their slenderness and barely reaching five feet in height. By dendus standards, Orhelgo is a towering giant, pushing close to five and a half feet, and incredibly stocky. In relation to other species, the dendus would still be considered to be short and slim, but their unusual height and breadth for their kind made Orhelgo choose martial professions, rather than the more intellectual ones that dendus are typically drawn to.

Released: 30th November 2024 Pages: 13

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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