Oceans can be dangerous places and this supplement has 100 different encounters for characters to have on them.
Some of the encounters are potentially dangerous, others are odd and some could be used as adventure hooks. The adventures assume that the characters are travelling by ship, but this could be tweaked.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
53. Large sea turtles keep pace with the ship for a bit (they may prove aggressive if provoked).
54. Many crabs climb up the sides of the ship and clamber onto the deck. They are not aggressive, but they are a nuisance, and will use their pincers if attacked (treat as a Medium Swarm if the crabs are attacked).
55. One of the ship’s sails tears free from the mainmast, causing the vessel to lose way as the speed drops rapidly. The sail will need extensive repairs to be used again, as the canvas has become rotten (speed drops by a quarter until a new sail is rigged; the old one can be repaired by making a Boating roll with -1).
Released: 1st February 2025 Pages: 6
PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG