Characters may hear bits of information when asking around and this supplement has 100 things they could hear in or about the Impossible Lands, for Bhopan and Geb.
Whether or not any particular rumour is true or not is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation or background colour.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
84. The undead inhabitants of Geb often clothe themselves in a manner similar to that of the living, only exaggerated, and perfumes to hide the smell of decay are popular. Some outside Geb have been seeking to make ever-better perfumes that don’t mask the smell of rot so much as completely remove it, in order to capitalise on this trend.
85. The Warmaster Council is a circle of graveknights assembled by Geb to help prepare the nation for a new war with Nex. However, many of the nation of Geb are now less than eager for such a war, and it’s rumoured that there are plots to eliminate these graveknights should the situation arise where such needs to be done in order to prevent a war.
86. There are a handful of outcast Kulenett dwarves in Geb’s cities and settlements, outcast because they have studied necromancy, something the Kulenetts as a whole are opposed to. It’s rumoured that many of these dwarves are said to hate the rest of their kind so much that they wish to kill and animate the lot of them.
Released: 15th February 2025 Pages: 13
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