100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant

100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: AberrantNovas changed the world in Trinity Continuum: Aberrant in many ways, both good and bad.

This supplement has 100 hooks and rumours that are related to those changes. They can be used as adventure hooks, background colour and misinformation.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results.

86. The second largest producer of eufiber after Costa Rica is Argentina, and it’s rumoured that the country is attempting to become the largest producer in the world, by parlaying their larger resources and significantly greater population into an advantage that Costa Rica cannot equal.

87. The Spanish central government has been worried for some time that the country’s independence movements might scrape together enough money to hire an Elite or two, but they’ve recently become worried by rumours that at least one independence movement has been negotiating with one of the Teragen, though what the movement would offer is not knows.

88. The UN has shut down various projects belonging to German novas, as well as related businesses by baselines, which has led the country to grow annoyed about the matter. It’s rumoured that Germany is secretly funding nova projects in other countries, as well as those that are known, and that there are even underground nova businesses in the country itself.

Released: 27th July 2024 Pages: 11

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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