100 Rumours to Hear in Miskatonic Country

100 Rumours to Hear in Miskatonic Country

100 Rumours to Hear in Miskatonic CountryThis collection has 100 rumours that characters could hear in Miskatonic Country, specifically the towns of Arkham and Kingsport. The rumours cover a variety of topics and could be a sign of Mythos activity, ordinary human wrongdoing or simply be misinformation.

These rumours can be used as potential adventure hooks or background colour. They are aimed at the 1920s-30s setting but, with tweaking, some could be adapted to other settings.

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

69. The crew of the Martha, the powered sailing sloop operated by the U.S. Coast Guard in Kingsport, have reported seeing strange things in the seas around Kingsport. No-one has managed to get a good look at whatever is there, but the crewmen have said it didn’t look normal. The Coast Guard itself has denied that anything unusual has been seen, stating that anything observed was just normal sea life.

70. The Eye of Amara is a small occult society in Arkham that is not hold in much regard by those citizens of the town that know of it. It seems generally innocuous, but there are rumours that the society recently had a ceremony go very badly wrong for an unknown reason, and that several members were injured during the accident.

71. The head of the bronze bust of Reverend Ward Phillips – called “Saint Ward” – has been used in an ongoing game by the students of Miskatonic University for many years, with attempts to find and keep the head. However, the last time the head was taken, it apparently returned to where it was supposed to be kept soon afterwards. Those who took it were blamed for replacing it, but they claimed they never did, nor can they see how any of the other groups could have done so.

Released: 2nd May 2020 Pages: 9

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