In many settings and systems, from ancient to futuristic and from fantasy to mundane to science fiction, characters may at some point travel through a wooded area.
Rather than simply being told that they are passing through woods, here are 100 different things to see, heard and find in such an area. Some may have the potential to be dangerous or inconvenient, or a GM may decide that there is more meaning in the events than it appears. Or players may themselves believe that, even if it isn’t actually true.
The supplement is also available in a Pathfinder and a system neutral version. All copies are not needed.
To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.
Here are some sample results:
68. Sounds – Croaking noises can be heard coming from the near distance. If Characters track them back to their source, they find a small pond containing a lot of tiny green frogs. (A (Challenging -10%) Folklore Test will reveal that the frogs are poisonous. Characters can harvest the frogs for poison if desired. A total of three doses can be harvested, with each dose requiring a (Challenging -10%) Survival Test and 1d6 minutes to acquire. Treat the harvested poison as Scorpion Venom from the Hazards & Healing chapter of the ZWEIHÄNDER: Revised Core Rulebook.)
69. Spikes – Protruding from the trunk of a tree are several rusty iron spikes. (The spikes can be removed with a (Routine +10%) Athletics Test and can be cleaned up. There are 2d3 spikes worth 1ss each.)
70. Squall – A sudden squall shakes the upper limbs of the trees, although little of the wind or rain it brings reaches the surface. The squall passes as quickly as it came.
Released: 25th April 2020 Pages: 10
PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG