D66 Elvenspring for the Forbidden Lands

D66 Elvenspring for the Forbidden Lands

D66 Elvenspring for the Forbidden LandsElvenspring  are half-elves, descended from the human hostages left in Ravenland during the shift. This supplement has 36 Elvenspring to encounter; they could be foes or potential friends or allies. Each is named and given a brief description.

To use the list, either roll d66 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

55. Relivon: Relivon is an Elvenspring who moved out of the lands they traditionally called home, as the half-elf felt less connection to nature than an Elvenspring usually does. Not that Relivon dislikes nature or things it should be destroyed; they just don’t feel a great connection to it. Instead, what the half-elf likes doing is taking things and making them their own; stealing other people’s property in other words. And in the elven woods there are less things to steal and less people to steal from and most of them know who you are, so Relivon moved to urban areas for better pickings.

56. Salena: Salena is a druid who looks after, amongst other places, a small grove that is reputedly sacred to the Shieldmaiden, although it seems that the Elvenspring is the only one to really believe this. Some suspect that the half-elf decided to proclaim the grove as being sacred in order to gain status and influence. However, it cannot be denied that Salena spends a lot of time and effort ensuring that the grove is well looked after, and there are rumours that the earth of the grove does have some unusual effects when used in certain ways.

61. Saverin: Saverin is an Elvenspring who believes that the half-elves need to boost their numbers, given that they are comparatively few in number despite being long-lived. The half-elf believes that if their kin is ever going to take its rightful place in the Forbidden Lands – that being at the top – then they will need more numbers to do so. Not that Saverin thinks that this will be achieved by violence and numerical superiority, but given their limited numbers, even those as gifted as half-elves, in Saverin’s eyes, will find such difficult.

Released: 22nd March 2025 Pages: 10

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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