D66 Halflings for the Forbidden Lands

D66 Halflings for the Forbidden Lands

D66 Halflings for the Forbidden LandsHalflings are half-kin to goblins, the two being separated long ago. They present a jolly and friendly image to the world, but there are issues within their settlements that they hide from others. This supplement has 36 halflings to encounter; they could be foes or potential friends or allies. Each is named and given a brief description.

To use the list, either roll d66 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

44. Olander: Olander is one of the Penita, the secret halfling sect of moon priests who seek the moonstones in the hopes of restoring halflings and goblins to one kin. Olander appears to be a pleasant and friendly individual, and that is indeed the case, unless someone tries to interfere, knowingly or not, with their quest. The halfling has come into conflict with goblins opposed to the recovery on more than one occasion, but so far no-one has died. That may only be a matter of time, though; the goblins aren’t interested in restoring their kin and Olander won’t let anything stand in the way.

45. Rander: Halflings sing humorous songs, which of course need someone to write them, and Rander is a halfling who does just that. Their songs are catchy, clever and funny, and they are also intended to attack the behaviour of specific people, something that can sometimes be guessed. More than one individual has found themselves the butt of mockery as one of Rander’s songs makes it very clear to everyone just what they might have done or how their behaviour might be laughable and worthy of mocking.

46. Regor: Regor is a halfling farmer with fields that produce food in an abundance unseen by any of those of their fellows. This leads to all kinds of mutterings about just how Regor is achieving this, with sacrifices and entreaties to dark gods being favourite suggestions. In truth, Regor is just a good farmer, but every so often someone goes a little too far with one of their mutterings, endangering the halfling in some way. At that point, Regor does prove the rumours true to a degree, for they have a tendency to kill such people and use their bodies to fertilise the crops.

Released: 8th June 2024 Pages: 10

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG

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