For one reason or another, characters can spend quite a bit of time in graveyards and cemeteries. One way of making this time more interesting is with some random encounters in them. Here are ten encounters, some odd, some potentially useful, to have in a graveyard.
- A freshly dug grave, with the damp soil still piled next to it. The grave clearly hasn’t been dug long, and the shovel used to dig it has been plunged into the pile of soil. If the spade is pulled out, the blade of it bears slight traces of fresh blood.
- A gravestone has been damaged so that only the very stub remains. Bits and pieces of broken stone lie around the grave, together with an abandoned sledgehammer. The grave itself has also been attacked, and by the smell and looks of it, someone has urinated and defecated on it.
- A ghostly white figure is seen flitting amongst the gravestones in the distance. If pursued, the ghostly figure can easily be caught up with and turns out to be just a woman in a flowing white dress who is looking for a specific grave.
- Covering a grave is a thick iron mortsafe, a device created to prevent bodysnatchers from digging up coffins. The mortsafe is clearly damaged, with its iron bars bent and twisted. However, it looks like the damage came from below, as if something was prying its way out from the grave, not above.
- Flowering plants cover this very well kept grave and the headstone itself practically gleams. A small compartment at the base of the grave contains various tools used to maintain it, and now and then, or if the grave is interfered with, the implements fly out of the compartment to keep the grave in perfect shape.
- Kneeling at the end of a grave is a hooded figure dressed in black. They appear to be mourning the one whose grave it is, and the grave looks comparatively recent and fresh flowers have been laid on it. The person will refuse to respond to anyone who speaks to them. If pressed, they turn, lift their hood revealing a horrifying visage and then vanish.
- Mushrooms and other fungi are growing in unusual profusion over one grave. Even the headstone is nearly hidden under a mass of mould, which will need scraping away to read the inscription. As night, all the different fungi glow with an unsettling blue light.
- One grave stands out from the others because it is completely enswathed in cobwebs. For some reason, it looks to be attracting spiders, who can be seen within the webbing, and either the grave hasn’t been cleared in some time or the spiders are spinning the webbing back at a very fast rate.
- Standing at the head of a small grave is the statue of a small girl, posed as if in dance. The next time that the characters pass the grave, the statue of the little girl is no longer there.
- Two gravediggers are sitting at the side of a grave they are in the process of digging. They have stopped for a break and are sitting on the pile of soil they’ve dug out so far. They are naturally talkative and will willingly chat to anyone who stops about the graveyard as a whole.