Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.
- Delend’s inhabitants have more people trained in discovery, the numenera and exploration than most its size, thanks to the Changing Moon, and there are rumours that the inhabitants of the settlement use this in order to expand Delend’s influence over the surrounding area. Not so much to empire build as to ensure more resources for investigating the Changing Moon.
- Hildwin’s Ladder is the most popular way used by Delend to reach the Changing Moon, but it regularly needs reattaching after one of the Moon’s shifts. There are rumours that some wrights believe that they will be able to make the ladder automatically reattach itself each time, though others are not so sure of this.
- Navigating the Changing Moon is difficult, because it is always changing, which makes maps essentially useless. This doesn’t stop a certain class of people from selling “guaranteed” maps of the Changing Moon to explorers who don’t come from Delend. Those who rely on such maps rarely make it back out of the structure to seek a refund.
- Numenera devices and vehicles are sometimes used by explorers to attempt to go to and from the Changing Moon in order to avoid the salvage tax, but often these end up being shot out of the sky. It’s rumoured that some explorers are attempting to get a hold of an armed vehicle which will be able to shoot back if fired upon, which could escalate things in the settlement.
- One of the major challenges for explorers of the Changing Moon is not becoming shift-lost when the moon’s configuration changes to something new. There are rumours that, over time, this has gradually, and almost imperceptibly, become harder over the years, and explorers now are much more likely to become shift-lost than those of latter years.
- Some of the explorers who visit the Changing Moon are sure that the shifts the installation goes through are not random, but follow some kind of pattern, and they are attempting to gather as much information in order to determine what this pattern is. So far, reportedly all that’s happened is that a number of explorers have gone missing after following what they thought was a pattern, but turned out not to be.
- Some parts of the interior of the Changing Moon are said to be so different, including different physical laws, that it is as if they are part of a different reality, and in fact that is what some do believe; that certain areas of the Changing Moon are where the structure’s properties allow other realities to protrude through the dimensional walls.
- Sometimes explorers of the Changing Moon disappear for good, never to be seen again. Some theories suggest that they have actually wound up in another dimension, and may still be alive there, but there are few takers of any expeditions intended to try and determine if this is true.
- The Changing Moon is made from a substance called crimson cube by the inhabitants of Delend, and it’s believed that this substance is what allows the structure to rearrange itself so quickly. Some have tried experiment with crimson cube to see if it can be used outside the Changing Moon, and it’s rumoured that some of these experiments have ended very badly.
- There is a constant mumble of alien words that can be heard in the background on the Changing Moon. Some think that the structure is a single huge machine, but others believe that the sounds that can be heard are the last remnants of those who have disappeared during a shift, somehow merged into the Changing Moon itself.
Want some items that could be used as oddities? Check out 100 Xenoarchaeological Finds.