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D10: Numenera Rumours – Rachid

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TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Ambids, small furry creatures found on Rachid’s mesa, are used by the Aeon Priests to store whispers. Each ambid can store several whispers, and the priests keep careful track of which ambid has what whispers. There are rumours, though, that the ambids that have stored the whispers the longest are changing in some way.
  2. Haster leaves grow on the sides of the mesa on which Rachid is built and are a major source of food for the inhabitants. It’s rumoured that, though the leaves are normally bright red, it’s possible to find some that are different colours and, perhaps, these are also different in other ways.
  3. In Rachid, the Catholith’s whispers are currency, and it’s rumoured that with them having value, some always seek a means of counterfeiting them, so that they can create their own whispers without needing to have those that originally came from the Catholith. It’s said that this never works and those who try it always end up dying or just disappearing, never to be seen again.
  4. Most inhabitants of Rachid think little about the doors that dot the mesa, so they do little about trying to open them, outside the clave of Aeon Priests. It’s rumoured that those who do pry into the doors have a tendency to suddenly decide not to do so, perhaps discouraged in some way by the priests.
  5. Some of those who hear the whispers of the Catholith can glean meaning from the sounds, and it’s rumoured that the Aeon Priests are attempting to find as many of these people as possible, residents of Rachid or not, in order to build up a stable of people who can understand the whispers, which would greatly aid the priests in their research.
  6. The Cathics of Rachid believe that the Catholith is a sleeping god which may wake if not worshipped properly. They consider taking the words of their god to be both sacrilegious and dangerous, and it’s rumoured that a few of the more extreme Cathics have started taking action regarding this, at least with those walkers of the Catholith who do not hail from Rachid.
  7. The Osolarian family are the hereditary rulers of Rachid and the current one who speaks for the family is Jath Osolarian, known informally as Uncle Jath. Some say that the “Uncle” part of Jath’s nickname is to lure people into a false sense of security, painting a homely picture of someone who in truth has a razor-sharp mind and is anything but homely.
  8. Though there are many doors around Rachid, few of them are ever used. It’s rumoured, though, that recently a number of people have been seen entering and leaving the doors, more than is usually the case. Moreover, those who have glimpsed these people say they are not from Rachid itself.
  9. Vulfen are predators that fly over the canyon that the Catholith crosses, swarming when walkers reach the centre of the span in an attempt to knock them off to the ground below. Given that the vulfen are only aggressive when walkers reach that point, some suspect that they are linked to the Catholith in some way, perhaps as some kind of defence mechanism.
  10. Whispers can be heard by those who cross the Catholith; not everyone who crosses hears one but most do. These whispers can be sold on to others, and the Aeon Priests are always willing to buy them. It’s rumoured that another, much more secretive, group is also trying to purchase as many whispers as they can.

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