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D10: Numenera Rumours – Taracal

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TM and © 2019 Monte Cook Games, LLC.

Numenera is a game published by Monte Cook Games. Its setting is the Ninth World, and this list has ten rumours for that setting. The rumours, which are similar to the Hearsay that can be found in the official books, can be used as adventure hooks or as simple misinformation.

  1. Fishing is one of the primary sources of work and food for the inhabitants of Taracal, yet there are rumours that the fishing recently has been unusually poor. This is despite the fact that the arcology moves around and should pass through new sources of fish. Some wonder if a predator of some kind is following Taracal and devouring much of the fish.
  2. Force walls can be beamed out from Taracal proper to create a semi-permanent bay that protects the arcology’s fleet and the secondary structures from all but the worst storm surges. Rumour has it, though, that either the storm urges are getting worse or the strength of the force walls has been gradually weakening over time.
  3. Shinspinners are a problem on Taracal, and they need constantly keeping under control. It’s rumoured that despite best efforts, the shinspinner problem continues to grow, and that the city is looking for outside help to finally rid the arcology of the scourge before it really gets out of control.
  4. Ships from Taracal occasionally come across vessels in need of assistance, and rescue those on them, giving them the option, if they have useful skills, a chance to join as citizens or work off their labour contracts as “bonds.” It’s rumoured that some of Taracal’s ships are the reason why the other vessels are in trouble, having attacked them in an act of piracy.
  5. Taracal has many decks, though there is a persistent rumour of a deck that has been hidden, despite the implausibility of hiding such a thing. Despite many having checked for missing space, and finding nothing, the rumours persist of a small deck hidden, perhaps by numenera, within the others.
  6. Taracal is an inhabited arcology that migrates across the Sea of Secrets, always remaining afloat no matter what the weather conditions. There are persistent rumours, most believe just from doomsayers, that the arcology has gradually become less seaworthy over the years, but few believe this.
  7. Taracal’s boat fleet mostly disperses away from the floating arcology during the day, with the small raft out at sea primarily run by fisherfolk. It’s rumoured that some of the small boats are not looking for fish, but for other things, though just what these other things might be varies from teller to teller.
  8. The Unfathomable is in an apparently permanent whirlpool that lies along the seasonal path Taracal takes. Some say that the arcology should stop floating around the Sea of Secrets and permanently settle close to the Unfathomable as is safe; naturally, not too close, just in case.
  9. Those who gain unique abilities from the Unfathomable are not required to join Taracal’s Canonicate, but those that aren’t are carefully watched and then urged to leave, with the suggestions growing less polite over time. It’s rumoured that many of those who have left have banded together, and are considering returning to Taracal en masse to take a new place as rulers of the arcology.
  10. Unique abilities are conferred on those who listen to the song of the Unfathomable, though using them shortens one’s life. It’s said that people keep trying to find a way to use the abilities without the consequences, and that those who try to do so always end up dying sooner rather than later.

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