Characters can spend a lot of time in inns and taverns in a fantasy setting, and here are ten different tables to decorate such a place.
- Crudely made table that looks to have been knocked together from whatever pieces of wood were lying around, including crates, barrels and less identifiable scraps. The table, despite its manufacture, is surprisingly sturdy.
- Just under the top of the table are iron catches that can be moved into position. These catches are fitted on each side of the table, two per side for short sides and four for long sides. These allow the table to be securely fastened to other tables, extending the area.
- Symbols have been carved into the wood of this table. On examination, they prove to be charms of dubious efficacy intended to stop trouble and fights and generate good luck and happiness.
- The names of many different adventurers have been carved into the surface of this wooden table. The majority of them have had a line carved through the name, indicating that they died.
- The table has been elegantly carved and is practically a work of art. The top surface is just a simple polished surface, as that gets the most use, but the thick legs have been carved into fantastic scenes.
- The table has been made from wrought iron painted black, and it has been formed from many curls and loops. The top of the table is difficult to keep things balanced on and the entire thing is extremely heavy.
- The table is annoying to use, as one of its legs is noticeably shorter than the other four, making it wobble when used. Something will need sticking under the leg to keep it straight.
- The table is badly stained, despite attempts to clean it, which look to have included sanding it down. The stains, if examined more closely, prove to be blood that has seeped into the wood.
- The table is of extremely cheap, flimsy and lightweight construction. If it’s used in a tavern brawl, it will not do much damage but it will be cheap to replace. It seems the tavern’s owner may have bought the table with that in mind.
- The top of the table has been carved with several chess or checkers boards, allowing patrons to play, though they will need to provide their own pieces.