
D10: The Strange Rumours – Recursions: Ohunkakan

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Coyote is one of the elder spirits of Ohunkakan and where he walks the world is always touched with absurd humour and comedic consequences are common. It’s said that if Coyote is annoyed with someone, then the humour gains a harsher tinge to it in order to punish the recipient.
  2. Elements from the past, often mythic in nature, can be seen in Ohunkakan, mixed up with more modern things. It’s said that if you study the recursion for long enough, you can gain insight into what happened in the past by observing the elements of it that still remain in the recursion.
  3. Grandfather of Bears can force travellers to hold up mountains by the strength they gain due to his reality-warping nature. It’s said that if you can please Grandfather, he will grant you a boon, part of himself that will allow the wearer to have unusual strength as long as they are in Ohunkakan.
  4. Storytellers of Ohunkakan can alter the world around them, and their ability is highly esteemed. It’s rumoured, though, that a small number of storytellers use their abilities for their own personal advantage, altering the world to benefit them and them alone.
  5. Tales told in the recursion of Ohunkakan just might come true, and some recursors have been reputedly trying to take advantage of this, by repeatedly telling stories they want to come true. It’s not known if any have been successful, but it’s said that if they persist it could cause trouble one way or another.
  6. The elder spirits of Ohunkakan carry their own pocket realities around with them, where reality itself is warped by the logic of their own story. It’s rumoured that sometimes one of these elder spirits is even able to warp reality outside of the recursion, though as they never leave it’s unclear how this would be known.
  7. The Horned Serpent of Ohunkakan has been slain many times, but each time returns again, though often in a different shape. It’s rumoured that there is a way of permanently killing the Horned Serpent, but that this way is kept secret, because of the creature ever dies then Ohunkakan will die with it.
  8. The Thunderer of Ohunkakan is a being that inspires bravery and punishes cowardice and, as well as causing destruction, also causes new life to spring up in his wake. It’s rumoured, though, that sometimes the Thunderer only causes destruction, eradicating all life as he passes.
  9. The war between the Thunderer and the Horned Serpent in Ohunkakan constantly damages the threads of the stories and skilled storytellers must constantly weave them back together, else risk opening Ohunkakan to the Strange. It’s rumoured that this task is getting increasingly harder, and the likelihood of the recursion being opened rises with every generation that passes.
  10. There are dangerous spirits in Ohunkakan that prey on people, and as long as stories are told about these spirits, they will remain a danger. It’s said to be impossible to end the stories, for the spirits themselves seek out people to tell them, whispering their own tales in the sleeping recipient’s ear so that they will speak it when they wake.

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