As well as the remains that could be found in a coffin, other items might be found inside as well. Here are ten different things that could be found in a broken open coffin.
- Broken, once sealed pot that looks to have been emptied of something.
- Cradled in the hands of the corpse inside the coffin is a chalice of blackened silver.
- Crowbar, chisel, hammer and small spade in a cloth bag underneath the corpse.
- Hidden under the remains is a dagger that still bears what appear to be bloodstains, perhaps a murder weapon hidden in the coffin.
- Inside the coffin is the projectile that killed the occupant; it looks as if it was inside the skull until the body decayed enough.
- Leatherbound diary, somewhat stained now by proximity to a corpse.
- Scroll case tucked into the coffin’s corner. Inside it is the last will and testament of the occupant.
- Small bag containing dried herbs, seeds and bones, with an occult symbol embroidered on the outside.
- Tightly tucked into the coffin, next to the corpse that was clearly its intended occupant, is another body, one that has been bent and broken so that it fits inside.
- Two sets of manacles, one for arms, one for legs, that look as if they may have been on the body.