
D10: Tracks to See in a Forest

Bob Greyvenstein, some
artwork © Grim Press, used with permission, all rights reserved

Creatures that move through a forest can leave signs of their passage, and here are ten different things that might be spotted.

  1. A broken branch drips fresh sap.
  2. A crushed and still moist snail lies underfoot.
  3. Ground cover plants have been bruised from being stepped on.
  4. Leaves on the ground have been turned over, making them look different to the rest.
  5. Leaves that have recently been broken off a bush.
  6. Mud shows through a patch on the ground not covered in leaves and a print can be seen in it.
  7. Piece of fabric caught on a branch.
  8. Rock that has been scuffed and overturned, showing a dirt-encrusted side.
  9. Several fungi growing through the leaves on the ground have been recently crushed.
  10. Several leaves have a scattering of fresh dirt on them.

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