Gelatinous cubes are conscientious dungeon cleaners, eating up all that organic matter than can be found, including unwary adventurers. They cannot digest metal or stone, so what items of minimal or no value might be found inside a dead one?
- Copper coin bearing the head of an unknown monarch. One edge has been sharpened.
- Deformed-looking skull that is just a partially-digested human skull.
- Flint arrowhead.
- Iron bands that used to reinforce a barrel.
- Oblong steel token, measuring 2″x1/2″ with “Admit One” etched into one face.
- Odd-shaped piece of stone that turns out to be a nose broken from a statue.
- One steel boot.
- Steel funerary urn, open and empty, with “Mother” inscribed on it.
- Threads of gold, all that survives from a gold-embroidered piece of clothing.
- Twenty-five studs, all loose, that were once set into a leather belt.