Cryo Tube

D10: What’s in the Cryo or Stasis Tube?

Cryo Tube
Some artwork © Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Characters may come across cryogenic and stasis tubes in sci-fi settings, and they may not always hold what they are intended to hold. Here are ten things to find in such.

  1. Completely empty.
  2. Conglomerate humanoid that appears to have been assembled from many different individuals.
  3. Human-sized cocoon that looks to be on the verge of hatching.
  4. Individual whose top half is alive and well, but whose bottom half has been reduced to a skeleton.
  5. Large egg sack from an unknown creature.
  6. Lifeform with a long tail, exoskeleton and a curved head, as well as two arms and two legs.
  7. Occupant who has been frozen into a solid block of ice.
  8. Organic soup that was the occupant.
  9. Scratched interior and a skeleton inside with its armed raised.
  10. Several organs that appear to have been surgically removed from different owners.

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