
D6: The Strange Rumours – Implausible Geographic Society

WorldsThe Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.

  1. Amongst the Collections of the Implausible Geographic Society are items brought back from many different recursions. It’s said that some of these are very dangerous, but that the IGS keeps the most dangerous hidden well away. Which hasn’t stopped some from attempting to acquire them.
  2. Dame Amanda Wallace currently occupies the office of the president of the IGS but has not taken the role and the society hasn’t had a president in thirty years. There are rumours, though, that Dame Amanda, for some reason, is now considering taking up the role she is essentially fulfilling.
  3. Sir Raymond Creswicke is one of the few members of the IGS who is permanently at the Lodge. He’s always eager to give advice to new members, and it’s said that Sir Raymond has a list of recursions and things to look for in them, should they be found, that he will be happy to share with anyone willing to go searching for them.
  4. The IGS has apparently been performing research into those recursions that were explored by the Society in its early days, based on fiction that has diminished in popularity, which are now difficult to find or much smaller than they were. It’s said the Society has been considering trying to boost the popularity of the old books, perhaps by funding film and television adaptations.
  5. The Implausible Geographic Society separated from the Royal Geographical Society in 1913, though it’s rumoured this was not a complete and final separation. It’s said that some within the RGS still know what the IGS is up to, and are a means by which the two organisations communicate with each other.
  6. When knowledge of the IGS escapes beyond its group, agents are dispatched to erase it by any means necessary. Though this may just be through the use of a memory eraser, it’s rumoured that those who have proven resistant to such measures have themselves been erased.

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