The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has six rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
- Chaosphere hierarchs are quickened natives of recursions from the Shoals of Earth who have gained power over the Strange itself. Most are arrogant and dismissive of the needs of others, which does seem to include other Chaosphere hierarchs. However, there are rumours of a group of the beings that work together, albeit somewhat erratically, for a common cause.
- Cinticus Z is an artificial intelligence that can often be found in the Strange and seeks out first-time recursors, asking them to do something for it. Though it isn’t normally a hostile entity, there’s a persistent rumour that the intelligence seeks to become a planetovore, and the tasks it asks others to do for it are with this goal in mind.
- Cypher eaters graze on things that crystalise from the Strange, preferring violet spiral, reality seeds and cyphers, all things that are of value to others as well. Though some use cypher eaters to locate such, others consider them pests to be wiped out, but attempts to do the latter rarely seem to work.
- Dark energy pharaohs are essentially refugees from a collapsed recursion based on the Egyptian afterlife. After war broke out amongst the pharaohs, this collapsed the recursion and the survivors fled. Most dark energy pharaohs exist in strongholds in the Strange or in their own recursions, and have little to do with each other, but it’s rumoured that a few have banded together after a fashion to achieve mutual goals.
- Inklings are the ghosts of the Strange, and sometimes they can creep into recursions as well. No-one is entirely sure what inklings are, and one theory is that they are real ghosts, or at least the remains of dead people. Some claim that when an inkling kills someone with the spark, the deceased will turn into a brand-new inkling.
- It’s possible to train thoniks to follow simple instructions, rather like it can be done with various animals, such as dogs. It’s said that there are some trainers who visit the Strange to capture thoniks in order to train and sell them. Some of these trainers are said to train the thoniks to follow commands only known by the trainer as well, just in case.