100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your Stats

100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your Stats

100 Flowers and Trees Sure to Boost Your StatsWe all need a boost every now and again! Reward your players for scanning the landscape and finding hidden gems in the surrounding trees and shrubs. Finding ways to boost your character’s stats is a key part of beating the baddies and getting through tough quests.

Whether it’s a miracle panacea, or a common speed boost, this guide has it all! But not all boosts are created equal. Some are temporary, but rarer or more difficult recipes can be permanent. Beware the odd and possibly dangerous side effects, such as broken bones or madness. Or go the entrepreneur route and sell your wares to the highest bidder! That tiny flower might be the key to brewing a potion that makes your character into a legend! This guide will add fantastic resources to your next campaign to help give your players that winning edge! The plants are divided into ten groups of ten by terrain.

Here are some sample results:

65. Pony Feathers – Speak to Animals: Only found growing as a crop in special druid communes, Pony Feathers is an unusual grass that can grant users the ability to Speak to Animals. It resembles feathers, as the blade grows feathery fibers from the soil break all the way to the tip. The rose-pink color is pleasing, making this grass often used in flower arrangements for nobility. The grass is stripped of the fibers, then chemically burned with essence of dragonfire, maple sugar and Murr’s Flint. Once the essence is collected, it can be consumed directly, or distilled into an amulet to allow the wearer to Speak to Animals for three moons’ time.

66. Beggar’s Corn – HP Boost: The stalks grow tall and spindly with small ears that closer resemble pinecones than corn. They are marbled with marmalade and bronze-colored kernels that are hard like maize, rather than soft sweet corn. Once the Beggar’s Corn is ground into a masa, it is mixed with the mineral Salt of the Earth and with moon water. It is frequently baked into a flatbread for traveling, but can also be consumed as a tamale. It restores Hit Points and cures stubborn ailments, as well as boosts morale. Villages that grow this crop often mix it into their daily meals. Travelers are usually taken aback by how hale and hearty these villagers are.

67. Cardinal Fig – Life Boost: At first glance, Cardinal Fig Trees are mistaken for crab apple trees. The figs drip from the branches in glistening ruby-red clusters. Fig Bumblebees have a symbiotic relationship with these trees; they build their nests in the trunks and branches, and pollinate the blush-colored blossoms in spring. The tree grows parasitic branch “roots” into the hive and takes honey during harsh winters. The Cardinal Figs are boiled down into preserves cooked with Briar Cinnamon. They extend the lifespan, adding years of youth onto the user’s life and are said to make one immune to most common diseases.

Released: 19th February 2022 Pages: 21

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