100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands)

100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands)

100 Hooks and Rumours for the Grand Duchy of Reme (Lost Lands)This supplement has 100 hooks and rumours that characters could hear in or about the Grand Duchy of Reme in the Lost Lands.

These rumours can be used as background colour for the setting or as potential adventure hooks.

To use the list either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

73. The Pit of the Lizards, home to the Order of the Lizard in Reme, is notorious for its wild parties and noise, so much so that the Lizards eventually bought the neighbouring properties and demolished them. However, this has just meant that the nuisance caused by the Lizards has spread out more, meaning that there is now a new group of neighbours, larger than the last, who want the Lizards bringing to heel.

74. The Pit of Yar-Mith is all that remains of the castle that the highly paranoid Grand Duke Traiv had built, which was destroyed when he activated an enchantment built into its very structure. There are rumours about just what might still lie in the pit, with one being that Traiv activated a gate that leads elsewhere, and that if the pit is disturbed, those beings that dwell on the
other side of the goat could be freed.

75. The Quick Knives are a Loreclan that is both disliked and disdained by their neighbours for their behaviour, which stretches tradition to breaking point. It’s rumoured that the Quick Knives have in fact stretched tradition beyond the breaking point, and that their neighbours want something done about them as a result, before they are forced to take action themselves.

Released: 1st June 2024 Pages: 13

PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG

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