Rumours are a staple of role playing games and characters will often encounter such. Some rumours may be relevant to a current quest but others may not.
This supplement presents thirteen detailed rumours for characters to discover. If characters do not dig further, the rumours can simply be background colour. Each rumour comes with details of the truth behind it so, if characters do choose to investigate further, they can find out what is really going on. In such as situation, the rumours can be developed into adventure hooks.
This is also available in Pathfinder and Fifth Edition compatible versions. You do not need all three versions.
The rumours are as follows:
- The Ship of Spies
- The Secret of Nam’Gar
- Black Sails and Bloody Currents
- The Murder Mine
- The Witch of Watershed
- Bounty of The Bloody Cardinal
- The Face of The Black Judge
- The Wayward Son
- False Gallows
- Smoke and Fire
- Face of The Story
- The Wizard Alshamus
- A Truer Hero
Reviews for A Baker’s Dozen of Rumours (And The Truth Behind Them)
“A solid collection of rumors that can be used as simple world building or easily expanded into full plot arcs.”
Customer Name Withheld (five stars)
“A good helping hand for DMs to help get players interested in a setting.”
Kris Y. (five stars)
“A creative way to enliven any game!”
Ruth d.j. (five stars)
“Wonderful set of rumors and truths, each with an intriguing set-up and a fun twist in the end!”
Dara W. (five stars)
“As a Dm, this is an extremely useful tool for anyone who would need to spice things up in their own world!”
Tyler M. (five stars)
“A solid collection of rumors that are easily placed into any campaign setting by making a few tweaks, if that.”
Lianara R. (five stars)
“Even if all you’re doing is looking for inspiration or ideas for your campaign, this is a great place to start.”
Amber B. (five stars)
Released: 7th July 2018 Pages: 16
PDF ($1.99): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow