100 Questions To Ask About Your Characters

100 Questions To Ask About Your Characters

100 Questions To Ask About Your CharactersA lot of the time when we design our characters we look exclusively at what’s on their sheets. We ask what their attributes are, what classes they have levels in, what spells they know and what feats they’re capable of… but this is only one facet of the stone, and if we focus too much on these things, then we miss out on so many other aspects.

That’s why, whatever side of the GM screen you’re sitting on, it’s important to ask some questions about who a character is, and how they came to be that way. For instance, what land are they from? What communities are they a part of? Do they owe loyalty, or fealty, to any groups or organizations? Do they have tattoos or scars, and if so, what are the stories behind those things? Questions like these, and so many more, help you add weight and dimension to your characters, and to figure out things about them which can make them more interesting both to play, and to play with.

The following collection of questions can be used by Game Masters and players alike to create more in-depth characters, and to spark your imagination when it comes to figuring out the details of their histories and backstories. However many of these questions you use, or don’t use, is up to you and your table, though!

Here are some sample results:

53. How Does Your Character Show Affection?

People have all kinds of unique methods of showing (or not showing) affection to those in their lives. For example, is your character a hugger? Do they press their foreheads against those they love, or clasp forearms as a sign of solidarity with allies? Or is your character stoic, only giving praise on rare occasions, and almost never showing physical affection even to those they are close to? While this might not come up regularly in game, chances are good it will likely be an issue that should be considered if your character grows close to their fellow party members throughout the length of the campaign.

54. What Bad Habits Does Your Character Have?

Most people have at least one bad habit, so ask what your character’s are. Do they have a tendency of picking their teeth in situations where that isn’t appropriate? Do they bite their nails, and spit them out on the floor? Do they blow their nose without a kerchief? Do they use coarse language no matter the situation they happen to be in? These habits should be relatively minor things, but they have the potential to be a real problem if the character doesn’t stay on top of them, or doesn’t keep them under control when in polite company.

55. What Is The Worst Thing Your Character Has Ever Done?

Everyone has things they’re ashamed of, and these moments can be as important to their development as their achievements and accomplishments. For instance, was your character a child soldier, or part of a youth gang, who made their first kill before they were even a teenager? Has your character been living a lie after stealing another person’s life and identity? Did they burn down someone’s home, whether it was on purpose, or as an accident due to something like a joke getting out of hand? Did they abandon their family to save themselves, or sell out their allies when they were captured by the enemy? This could be as dark, or as relatively benign, as one wishes as long as the experience shaped the character in a meaningful way.

Released: 17th August 2024 Pages: 27

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