100 Tips for Being a Better Player

100 Tips for Being a Better Player

100 Tips for Being a Better PlayerRPGs combine so many different activities into a single experience. They include group storytelling, team sports, board games, writing exercises, a hangout session with friends and so much more. However, being a good player is about more than knowing which bonus abilities to add to your character as you level up, or being able to quote the rule book chapter and verse. While we learn a lot of how to be a good player from experience, and from watching the people we share our tables with (for good or for ill), sometimes you don’t need to make a mistake yourself in order to learn what pitfalls to watch out for.

The following tips are things that can help you become a better player, regardless of the RPG you’re part of. Some of them are little things you can do to make the game smoother and more enjoyable, and others are cautions for things you should avoid doing, but whether you’re brand new to the hobby or you’ve been part of it for decades there will still be tips and tricks in this list for you!

Here are some sample tips:

88. Make your character a member of several communities in order to facilitate roleplaying, give your Game Master threads to tug on as the campaign unfolds, and possibly to find common ground with
the other characters at the table. Whether you’re a graduate of a particular in-game institution, a member of a particular guild, a veteran of a nation’s armed forces or a current (or even former) member of a criminal syndicate, church or subculture, these aspects can flesh out your character, provide motivation going forward and add to the organic feel of your character as you step out into the setting.

89. Consider drinking from something that has a resealable lid (such as soda bottles with screw-on lids or water bottles with straws that prevent spilling) when you’re choosing your refreshments for game night. This goes double if you don’t have any kind of cup holders at your table. All it takes is one errant jerk of the arm or an unexpected tug of the mat to leave the battle awash in a flash flood of Mountain Dew that will never really come off no matter what you try to wipe, rinse or scrub your mat with.

90. Learn to find common ground in-character with the rest of the folks you’re playing with. While differences in doctrine, opinion and personal morality can create a lot of friction, the process of two characters seeing things from one another’s perspective (and possible making “workplace concessions” to keep the peace and achieve their goals) can often be some of the most interesting parts of the game. Just remember to check in with the other player from time to time to be sure they’re finding the process engaging, and they don’t feel like you’re trying to dictate how they play their character, as that can sometimes happen.

Released: 16th July 2022 Pages: 18

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