What we primarily publish are lists that are intended to answer players’ questions, such as “What’s on the shelf?”, “What’s the book about?”, “What do we hear from asking around?” and many more, covering a range of systems as well as system neutral, but there are many other types of supplements available, including for the Sundara fantasy setting.
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If you sign up for the mailing list, you will receive discount codes for our releases. You can also get a free PDF for signing up, plus various other PDF versions of resources on the site are available.
There are cool free resources available on the site, from extras for the Sundara setting to fiction to various different lists for various genres and settings.
Join our mailing list for a free PDF, The Book of Sixes.
Our YouTube channel has previews of supplements, dives into the philosophy behind the design decisions for the Sundara setting, looks at the Chronicles and World of Darkness, includes readings of fiction from various supplements and more.
Our supplements are available on DriveThruRPG, itch.io, the Open Gaming Store, Lulu, Fantasy Grounds store, Cartography Assets and Amazon.
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