A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms IV: Level Connectors

A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms IV: Level ConnectorsApart from the very smallest, most dungeons have multiple levels and sublevels. If there are different levels in a dungeon, there need to be ways of getting from one level to another, and this is where level connectors come in.

Stairs are the most obvious method, but they are not the only one. This supplement provides thirteen different ways of travelling between levels, from entire rooms to room features. Some of the methods are definitely one way and others may prove difficult to use in the opposite direction. The connectors are all described in a generic format so that they can be used with any system.

Simply drop a level connector into a dungeon where desired.

Here is a sample connector:

Cliff Stairs: This room ends in a cliff face to which is attached a rickety and unsafe wooden staircase which may break under too much weight.

Released: 7th April 2018 Pages: 8

PDF ($1.49): DriveThruRPG, RPGNow

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