100 Prophecies and Proverbs From The Black Basilisk (MÖRK BORG)

100 Prophecies and Proverbs From The Black Basilisk (MÖRK BORG)

100 Prophecies and Proverbs From The Black Basilisk (MÖRK BORG)As the dirge of the end times rings out over a dying world, people turn to any source of comfort or protection they can find. Verhu, one of the heads of the black basilisk, whispers dire prophecies to the wind, each of them a poisoned seed of madness wrapped in layers of wisdom. While many of these prophecies are contained in the Nameless Scriptures, there are a thousand other predictions from this so-called living god that do not appear in those pages. Some were whispered in the basilisk’s sleep, or declared heresy and ordered destroyed… but many have survived despite these efforts at destruction.

Of course, it’s impossible to say with any certainty which prophecies are genuine, and which are false. And even a genuine prophecy or proverb may be misinterpreted by those who hear it. The following supplement lists potential words, supposedly spoken by the basilisk itself, and recorded by its disciples. Whether that is truly the case, or which interpretation of these words is accurate, is for you to decide!

To use the list, either roll d100 for a random result or select appropriate ones manually.

Here are some sample results:

46. “Dragons dwell not beneath fiery mountains, but in the lost depths of despoiled seas. Pray not to them, for at best it wastes your remaining time upon this world, and at worst a glimmer of your need might call to them, and draw them to you.”
Possible Interpretations: Though considered blasphemy to many believers, there are those who whisper that the black basilisk is not the only god who will listen to the prayers of mortals. Rumors of his cousins, as some have called them, permeate the fringes of many communities where the worship of these things is conducted with riotous, bloody ceremonies. The basilisk speaks of dragons, but some fear the denizens of the deep are far worse than that. Those who know of these beings’ existence have even gone so far as to speculate that they play an important role in the upcoming apocalypse.

47. “A song haunts the dark; a soft and perfect lilting. When the song ceases, so must we all.”
Possible Interpretations: Dark mystics believe this prophecy speaks of the Song of The Spheres. This music was begun long ago, and its purpose was to lull to sleep the things that dwelt in the outer dark. Verhu merely states that when the cosmos winds down, and all as we know it ends, that this song will be sung. Others believe this song is a talisman against the end times, and there are many cults who have sought to discover and play the song. They believe that it can stay the death of the world if played well enough… but that should it stop playing, then all the time they bought will drip away like sand run through the glass.

48. “The Mists of Yothai hide death within them. None who enter are to be left alive, should they depart.”
Possible Interpretations: Arguments rage as to whether Yothai is a place, a person or some foul curse known only to Verhu and Gorgh. The basilisk has not elaborated, nor will it speak of what lies within this mist. Speculation suggests that the mist shrouds a forbidden place, and none who lay eyes on that place will be allowed to survive. Others say it is a creature whose true form cannot be understood by the minds of mortals, so they see it only as a swirling, impossible mist. It’s even been suggested that this mist marks the thin spots in the world, and through it one may travel to other realms. But if the mists held death for all who entered, then why would those who emerged be feared? Is it because their forms have been stolen by the things that live in the mist, who will attempt to move unseen and unnoticed? Will these survivors bear plague or madness that could spread to others? Or does Verhu mean they will be his death, and that his followers must slay them before those who emerge from the mists can put an end to the basilisk?

Released: 27th July 2024 Pages: 28

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