A video in which Neal Litherland talks about the energy drink Dubby.
d66 Rural Encounters for 3Deep Now Available
d66 Rural Encounters for 3Deep is now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Published by Sad Fishe Games this is a collection of 36 rural encounters to which a number of authors, including us, have contributed, and is a conversion of the original supplement to 3Deep.
100 Spacer Superstitions PDF Preview
A new video has been published on YouTube that previews the first few pages of 100 Spacer Superstitions.
D10: The Strange Rumours – Monsters: Ardeyn
The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has ten rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
- According to legend, the first dragons were made by Lotan, a legend that vastly annoys any dragon who’s asked if it’s true, and an annoyed dragon is a fearful sight. However, it’s rumoured that part of dragons’ annoyance at the question is because it is true, and that because they were created by Lotan, Lotan still has the ability to control them.
- Demons of Lotan are spirits of the dead transformed by Lotan into demons. They have no flesh and can possess others, and recently it’s said there’s been an upsurge in such possessions, suggesting that more demons of Lotan are active. Worse, most demons of Lotan strive only to cause as much harm as possible, but recently they seem to be acting with some kind of goal in mind other than random destruction.
- Dlamma egg fragments are said to insulate against the effects of magic, which makes them greatly sought after by adventurers, as well as others. It’s rumoured that some dlammas have grown tired of people hunting for egg fragments, though, and have started taking measures against such expeditions.
- Giants are a dangerous problem for Ardeyn, for gigantism is a curse whose sufferers are perfectly human most of the time, and often unknowing of their behaviour as giants. It’s rumoured that a group of people has started hunting down anyone known to have had a giant anywhere in their ancestry, or even suspected to have one, and killing them, in an attempt to wipe the curse out.
- Hydras incorporate useful heads from their victims into their body, where they eventually become as happy as the other heads. It’s rumoured that there is a hydra with a vast number of heads that it has acquired over many years, gaining a great deal of arcane knowledge as a result, making it both incredibly knowledgeable and incredibly dangerous.
- Kray were shown how to get past the Seven Rules of Ardeyn by the Betrayer, and today the creatures plague the recursion. It’s rumoured that the number of kray being encountered in Ardeyn has been steadily increasing over the years, and there’s a fear that they are still coming in from the Strange.
- Monitors are remnant Qephilim of Silence that went into hiding when the Incarnation of Silence disappeared. According to most, they haven’t been seen in centuries. However, there are rumours that some have seen a number of monitors congregating in out of the way places, and wonder if they have gained new knowledge about their Incarnation.
- The Betrayer, the former Incarnation of War of Ardeyn, makes several hundred homunculi, broadly in his own semblance. Most noteworthy are the translucent ones, which are the greatest of their kind. It’s rumoured that there is one of their precursor homunculi, one that looks identical to the Betrayer, hiding out somewhere in Ardeyn.
- The Incarnations summoned the golems of Ardeyn to mobility during the Age of Myth, and many still remain, now devoid of purpose or master. Sometimes they wake if disturbed, and occasionally magic can press them into service. It’s rumoured, though, that every now and then a golem awakens and sets off for an unknown destination, and some say they are all travelling to the same place, with a definite, albeit unknown, purpose.
- Umber judges are seen outside the Night Vault looking for escaped spirits, rogue necromancers and banned copies of the Gospels of Lotan. However, it’s ru8moured that recently one has been encountered that doesn’t appear to be seeking out any of these things, but looking for something else entirely.
100 Helpful Hirelings, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) Now Available
100 Helpful Hirelings, 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) and 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Characters will often need the assistance of others to help them, and 100 Helpful Hirelings has 100 such to hire. They provide skills and experience that the characters may lack.
Shipwrecks can have odd things to find and points of interest and 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck (PFRPG) has 100 such. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder.
Moorlands and heaths are similar regions and often the result of long habitation. 100 Encounters for Moorlands and Heaths (SWADE) has 100 encounters for such regions and can be used as ways of enhancing journeys or as potential adventure hooks.
Tactical Plastic Report, Episode 2: The Threats You Face In Army Men
In this episode, Neal Litherland talks about the threats that are faced in Army Men.
Halloween Sale 2024

The Halloween Sale is now live on DriveThruRPG and 45 of our supplements have up to 40% off. Click here to see them.
In addition, a number of our Miskatonic Repository supplements are also reduced. Click here to see the full range.
Making Cheap Leaf Piles for Tabletop Games
This video looks at making some cheap piles of leaves for tabletop games using leaves, polystyrene and adhesive.
D10: Deep Space Rumours – Organisations
10 Hooks and Rumours for Space in Cyberpunk
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the organisations operating in space in Cyberpunk Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
- All ESA facilities in space are now kept under intensive surveillance in order to prevent something like the O’Neill Wars, in which they lost control of two orbital cylinders, from happening again. Even so, it’s said there are still underground movements operating on the remaining facilities that haven’t been fully rooted out, and sooner or later another rebellion will happen.
- Almost 85% of the orbital workshacks and space stations have been built by the Japanese Aerospace Bureau, thanks to its ability to mass produce them cheaply and efficiently. There are rumours, though, that everything manufactured by the JAB has backdoors built in, allowing the organisation to spy on others and, perhaps, even cause damage to the facilities.
- IEC took the step to move operations off Earth more than any other mega-corp, though both EBM and Araska are now pursuing the same plan. There are rumours, though, that all three corporations have been clashing over the matter, as they are fighting for supremacy in orbit.
- International Electric Corporation is the second largest orbital-based conglomerate, as they have moved much of their corporate infrastructure into orbit out of fear of an Orbital/Earth war. It’s rumoured that IEC has done more than simply move their infrastructure and manufacturing facilities; it’s said they are also developing space-based weapons platforms and ships. Purely for self-defence, of course.
- It’s rumoured that one of the probes into the outer Solar System discovered something unexpected, which is being kept quiet. It’s not known which organisation was operating the probe, but there are only a limited number who operate such in the depths of the system, with NASA being put forward as a possible contender.
- NASA is the primary source of transport for personnel and equipment to and from Mars and is using its position on the red planet to conduct further exploration of the Belt and the outer Solar System beyond. There are rumours that as well as the known sites in operation in the Belt that NASA has a secret facility where additional research is carried out.
- The USAF has had at least three deep space weapons platforms commissioned in the last five years, a matter of concern to others in space as they could easily destroy other facilities. It is also better armed and equipped than any other orbital power and is more willing to use these. It’s rumoured that they also have some secret bases out in the Belt where new weapons are being constructed, well out of the site of most of the other powers.
- There are rumours about just what the Utopian Corporation is up to and just what it’s been responsible for over the tears. UC has facilities scattered across the solar system, and it’s rumoured that the corporation is manufacturing nanotech-based weaponry at some of the remoter facilities.
- There have been rumours for some time that the SRC has been planning manned missions to Venus and Mercury to set up mining outposts on the planets, and some insist that the preliminary stages of these missions are already underway, though they don’t appear to be able to explain how the SRC has managed to do such without anyone noticing.
- Utopian Corporation was founded when a small team of scientists from Microtech left the company after it decided to target computer technology. Since then, UC has gained a technological capacity that outstrips any other corporation. It’s rumoured that Microtech would now do almost anything to bring the wayward company into the fold, though it’s unclear how this could possibly be done.
Want some general space rumours? Check out 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar.
D10: Deep Space Rumours – Organisations is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
100 Magical Experiments to Find, 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (5E) and 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Zweihander) Now Available
100 Magical Experiments to Find, 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (5E) and 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Zweihander) are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Mages and wizards can perform magical experiments and 100 Magical Experiments to Find has 100 such for labs and towers. They range from the odd to the dangerous.
Dungeons have floors and 100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon (5E) has 100 such to find. They can be a source of danger, curiosity or simply a way of enhancing an otherwise boring room. This is a conversion of the original supplement to 5th Edition.
When in the air in a fantasy setting, characters may still come across things, and 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Zweihander) has 100 such things. They range from the odd to the dangerous.