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The Strange is a game published by Monte Cook Games. It is, at least in part, set in the normal world, but there are other worlds out there, in the Strange. This list has eight rumours for that setting, similar to the various different adventure hooks in the books, and these can be used as adventure hooks or simple misinformation.
At the centre of the Graveyard of the Machine God is a destroyed structure that resembles a massive cybernetic humanoid. It’s said that the silicon deity is obviously dead, but some recursors have claimed to have seen activity within it unconnected to any of the still-functioning subsidiary systems, and have posited that perhaps the being is slowly repairing itself.
Chunks of debris tumble through the Graveyard of the Machine God, surrounding the dead silicon deity that forms the recursion’s centre. It’s said that some of the debris doesn’t move in a random way, but in one that suggests a degree of sentient control, though whether it’s the debris itself that’s sentient, or whether an external force is directing it, is open to question.
It’s said that the silicone deity that lies at the heart of the Graveyard of the Machine God knew much about recursions other than its own, and it would be a treasure trove of knowledge should anyone gain access to it. There are rumours that some of the sacrosancts are attempting to access this knowledge for their own purposes.
Razor-droids are less intelligent mechanical droids found in the Graveyard of the Machine God. Though they primarily attack the sacrosancts in an attempt to stop them from raiding the god’s corpse for parts, it’s rumoured that they will attack anything else who might either attempt to scavenge from the place, or who might provide useful raw material for the sacrosancts.
Sacrosancts are autonomous mechanical droids that live in the corpse of the silicon deity in the Graveyard of the Machine God, scavenging parts from the silicon corpse in order to survive. It’s rumoured that some sacrosancts are perfectly willing to slice up anything else they encounter into usable parts, and that this is where the flesh they partly consist of comes from.
The Graveyard of the Machine God is infested with a nanovirus that infests those who travel to it. Translating to another recursion is one way to kill off the nanovirus, but it’s rumoured that the nanovirus is continually adapting, and is possibly sentient, with the end goal of adapting enough to survive outside of its home recursion.
The razor-droids have been trying and failing to destroy the group of sacrosancts known as the Washed, and it’s rumoured that each failure is making the Washed stronger. It’s said that some razor-droids have been turned to the washed without the usual conversion process, then sent back out amongst their own kind to work against the razor-droids from within.
The Washed are a group of semi-mechanical sacrosancts that live within the Machine God, which seek to convert others to be like them. It’s rumoured that the strange cult also seeks to spread its message beyond the recursion itself, converting all other beings to their kind.
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In modern, zombie apocalypse and post-apocalyptic settings, characters may search cars. 100 Things to Find in a Vehicle has 100 things to find in such, ranging from useful to junk.
Ruins can be encountered and just because they are ruined doesn’t mean they are empty. 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (PFRPG) has 100 things to encounter in a ruin, from signs of other creatures to magical effects. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder.
100 Birds for Pirates of Pugmire has 100 birds that could be met on the Acid Sea and beyond. Each bird is given a name and some details. They could be sources of goods and services, contacts, allies or foes.
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100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Barbaric!) is now available to buy on
100 Encounters for Coastal Regions (Barbaric!) is a collection of coastal encounters to enliven a journey, and is a conversion of the original system neutral supplement to Barbaric!
10 Hooks and Rumours for Cyberpunk’s Night City
This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the gangsl of Night City. Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.
Maelstrom looks to be gearing up for some kind of major action. The logical target would be their long-time foes, the Inquisitors, but it’s rumoured that Maelstrom needs more and newer equipment before going head-to-head with their foes. It could be that what the gang is gearing up for is something to get that equipment.
The Back Alley Brawlers are a group of vigilantes that fight the other street gangs using the same methods. There are rumours that the methods of the Brawlers are getting a little too close to those of the other gangs, and that they are in danger of becoming something not much different to what they are fighting.
The Black Queens are one of the most innocuous of Night City’s major gangs, having little interest in turf struggles or anything violent. They are known to be a good information source, though, and cops, criminals and corporate security have all taken advantage of this. There are rumours that the Queens have been collecting a lot of data through their activities, and have now established a significant, and valuable, cache of information.
The Brainiacs are a boostergang that values knowledge over brawn, and augment their abilities with skill chips. It’s rumoured that the gang has an interest in several small corporations that are developing cutting-edge cyberwear intended to augment the user’s intellectual and mental capacities, with the intention of keeping the best new developments for themselves.
The D.J.’s are mostly wanna-be rockerboys with little if any talent, who make their money in other, less legal, ways than their complete lack of musical ability. It’s rumoured that the gang has been trying to get someone with talent to help them achieve their musical goals, but so far no-one has proven to be remotely interested.
The Julliard is a gang that primarily functions as a self-protection organisation for street performers, and they are known to take this seriously. It’s rumoured that the Julliard has started getting more proactive in its defence of late, striking out at potential threats before they become actual ones.
The Philharmonic Vampyres are a prankster gang who lack any turf and spend most of their time pulling largely harmless pranks. It’s rumoured that those who annoy the Vamps, though, can find pranks being pulled on them that are anything but harmless; things that would normally be designed in jest are now designed to hurt and kill.
The Silver Slash is a guardian chromer gang who are recognised and accepted by the Night City Police. There are rumours that some members of the gang take this recognition and status and use it to get away with committing criminal acts, but most believe that such rumours just originate from the Slash’s enemies are intended to undermine them.
The Slaughterhouse is one of the most violent boostergangs in Night City, and rumour has it that they’re only getting more and more violent. There are rumours that the gang members have been taking some new street drugs that make them more resistant to pain and able to inflict more damage, at the cost of becoming more unstable.
The Wild Things claim the East Marina as their territory, and haven’t been involved in any turf wars in some time. However, it’s rumoured that the leadership is considering expanding outside of East Marina, and are eying up any other gangs that might be easy targets in the neighbouring blocks.
D10: Night City Rumours – Bank Block is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.
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