100 Irrelevant Clues to Bamboozle Players Now Available

100 Irrelevant Clues to Bamboozle Players100 Irrelevant Clues to Bamboozle Players is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 different important-appearing but utterly irrelevant clues that players could find whilst searching a building.

A Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms Now Available

A Baker's Dozen of Dungeon RoomsA Baker’s Dozen of Dungeon Rooms is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This supplement describes thirteen different rooms that can be dropped into a dungeon or a mmegadungeon.

Twenty Things to Find at Easter

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

For an Easter-themed game, roll 1d20 on the following table to add some Easter-themed dressing.

  1. Basket (A woven wicker basket, perhaps decorated with such as bunnies and chicks)
  2. Bunnies (Plush toys or plain polystyrene ones for decorating)
  3. Chicks (A yellow fluffy chick, or perhaps a plain one made from such as polystyrene for decorating)
  4. Chocolate Easter Bunny (Probably hollow if large, down to solid smaller versions)
  5. Chocolate Easter Egg (From tiny, solid or filled individual eggs, to larger hollow ones, possibly filled with other candies)
  6. Chocolate Mould (In shapes such as bunnies, chicks and eggs, together with chocolate and icing for making eggs)
  7. Daffodils (Freshly cut real daffodils, or possibly artificial ones)
  8. Easter Cake (An iced fruit or sponge cake decorated with such as eggs, rabbits and bunnies)
  9. Easter Card (Greetings card with images such as eggs, chicks, bunnies or religious scenes)
  10. Egg Hunt Basket (Made from such as plastic, metal or wicker, with a handle, probably brightly coloured and may be bunny themed)
  11. Egg Hunt Sign (A colourful sign, some with ribbons for hanging, others on a stake, usually with an arrow and writing denoting the location of an Easter Egg Hunt)
  12. Fillable Eggs (Artificial hollow eggs, often plastic, that can be filled with such as small candies or sweets, in different colours)
  13. Floral Wreath (A decorative wreath with either real or artificial flowers)
  14. Hanging Eggs (Decorative eggs, made from things such as polystyrene or even china, in different colours, from plain to patterned, with a ribbon for hanging them up)
  15. Hot Cross Bun (Spiced sweet bun, typically made with raisins or currants but may be with orange-cranberry or apple-cinnamon, with a pastry cross on the top)
  16. Palm Cross (Small cross made from palm fronds, or perhaps a similar substitute)
  17. Palm Leaves (And branches, fresh and dried)
  18. Peeps (Coloured marshmallow candies in shapes such as bunnies and chicks)
  19. Simnel Cake (Fruit cake with almond paste or marzipan, decorated with eleven, or possibly twelve, marzipan balls)
  20. Twig Tree (Painted trees, usually white, made from a twigs, used for hanging Easter decorations on)

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A Baker’s Dozen of Alchemist Bomb Discoveries Now Available

A Baker's Dozen of Alchemist Bomb DiscoveriesA Baker’s Dozen of Alchemist Bomb Discoveries is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This supplement for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game details a baker’s dozen, or thirteen, new bomb discoveries for the Alchemist class.

Six Pack: Feats of Silliness Now Available

Six Pack: Feats of SillinessSix Pack: Feats of Silliness is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

Released in celebration of April Fools’ Day, this is a collection of six less than serious, and possibly less than useful, feats for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

A Baker’s Dozen of Inhabited Worlds Now Available

A Baker's Dozen of Inhabited WorldsA Baker’s Dozen of Inhabited Worlds is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This supplement details thirteen different planets, including an asteroid and a double planet, for a science fiction setting, including adventure ideas and images.

Tomes of Cthulhu Reaches Copper

Tomes of Cthulhu is the latest supplement to achieve a metal sales level on a OneBookShelf site, as it has just gone Copper on DriveThruRPG.

This is not the fastest to reach that level – 100 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf gets that honour – but this is a much bigger supplement than that one.

100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon Now Available

100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 detailed things that could be found in a dungeon to puzzle players or disguise what is truly important from them.

Two Pieces of New Stock Art Purchased

Erkunae AlchemistI’ve picked up two new pieces of stock art from Purple Duck Games, who are having a sale currently.

One, the Erkunae Alchemist, is for a mostly-complete Pathfinder supplement that should be released in the next month. The second, a Jester, is for something that hasn’t really progressed beyond the idea stage as yet (EDIT: And has now been released).

100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse Now Available

100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse100 Zombie Encounters for the Zombie Apocalypse is now available to buy from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow.

This is a list of 100 different encounters for the zombie apocalypse that are intended to be more interesting than a group of zombies ambling down the street.

Publishing RPG Supplements to Help GMs
