A brief video showing the stages of drawing the illustration, Filler Art – Broken Crate, used in D10: Find on a Fantasy Street.
One Week Bundle: Fantasy People
For one week fourteen fantasy people supplements have been bundled together with 50% off. They are as follows:
- 100 Fantasy Entertainers and Artists to See on the Street
- 100 Fantasy Merchants to Meet on the Road
- 100 Fantasy Soldiers, Mercenaries or Men-at-Arms
- 100 Individuals and Groups to Meet on the Road
- 100 Merchants to Encounter
- 100 Nobles to Encounter
- 100 NPCs You Might Meet At The Tavern
- 100 Pirates to Encounter
- 100 Prisoners for a Fantasy Jail
- 100 Prisoners to Find in a Fantasy Dungeon
- 100 Random Bandits to Meet
- 100 Tieflings to Meet in Your Travels
- 100 Unusual Aasimar
- 100 Witches
Click here to get the bundle for $13.20, reduced from $26.39.
Evonshire Cloak (5E)

Grim Press, used with permission, all rights reserved,
Evonshire cloaks are a non-magical cloak that is one of the signature items produced by Evonshire’s Outdoor Goods, found in Merchants of Sundara, a cloak that is both warm and waterproof and provides a ready means of improving the chances of surviving outdoors.
When an Evonshire cloak is worn, it provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Constitution saves against cold weather. It will also provide a +2 bonus for any items worn under the cloak, or the wearer, on saving throws required due to rain, and even a +1 bonus for such should the character be immersed.
Cost: 10 gp Weight 1/2 lb
Releasing in July 2024
July 6th
- 100 Encounters for the Borderland Regions (SWADE)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Blight: Festival
- 100 Space Bar Features
- Map – Village 22
July 13th
- 100 Birds for Pirates of Pugmire
- 100 Things to Find in a Ruin (PFRPG)
- 100 Things to Find in a Vehicle
July 20th
- 100 Fantasy Aerial Encounters (Black Spear)
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands
- 100 Monastic Orders
July 27th
- 100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
- 100 Prophecies and Proverbs From The Black Basilisk (Mork Borg)
- 100 Things to Find in a Shipwreck
- Filler Art – Chest with Teeth
100 Meaningless Tasks for a Conspiratorial Setting, 100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay III, 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Hollowfaust II and Filler Art – Broken Crate Now Available
100 Meaningless Tasks for a Conspiratorial Setting, 100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay III, 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Hollowfaust II and Filler Art – Broken Crate are now available to buy from DriveThruRPG.
In conspiracy-dominated settings, lower ranking members and the public may be asked to do apparently meaningless tasks, and 100 Meaningless Tasks for a Conspiratorial Setting has 100 of these,
100 Notes and Letters for the City of Dolmvay III has 100 jottings that characters could find lying around or on the bodies of the dead, with a secondary table for determining condition.
Characters may come across rumours whilst asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Hollowfaust II is a collection of such for the Scarred Lands. They are usable with any system and can be used for anything from misinformation to adventure hooks.
Filler Art – Broken Crate is a piece of hand drawn black and white stock art. The crates comes in two variants, one on a white background and one on a transparent one, at 300 dpi. The image can be used for personal and commercial uses.
The Liminal Horror of Changeling The Lost
In this video, Neal Litherland delves into the liminal horror of Changeling the Lost.
Itch.io Summer Sale 2024

The Summer Sale is now live on itch.io. All our paid supplements have 30% off individually, or the entire range can be bought for $59, reduced from $103.68. Click here to see them.
Making Cheap Rafts for Role Playing Games
This video looks at how to make some cheap rafts for tabletop games using sticks, glue and string.
D10: Tracks to See in a Forest

artwork © Grim Press, used with permission, all rights reserved
Creatures that move through a forest can leave signs of their passage, and here are ten different things that might be spotted.
- A broken branch drips fresh sap.
- A crushed and still moist snail lies underfoot.
- Ground cover plants have been bruised from being stepped on.
- Leaves on the ground have been turned over, making them look different to the rest.
- Leaves that have recently been broken off a bush.
- Mud shows through a patch on the ground not covered in leaves and a print can be seen in it.
- Piece of fabric caught on a branch.
- Rock that has been scuffed and overturned, showing a dirt-encrusted side.
- Several fungi growing through the leaves on the ground have been recently crushed.
- Several leaves have a scattering of fresh dirt on them.
100 Events for a Magic Duel, 100 Things to Find in Caves (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Flames of Freedom Now Available
100 Events for a Magic Duel, 100 Things to Find in Caves (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Flames of Freedom are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.
Magic duels can see all kinds of odd things happen. 100 Events for a Magic Duel has 100 such events, some of which may be dangerous.
Caves can have interesting features, and 100 Things to Find in Caves (PFRPG) has 100 such, ranging from intelligent to animal to natural. They can be used as background colour or items of interest. This is a conversion of the original supplement to Pathfinder. You do not need all versions.
Characters can hear things when asking around and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Flames of Freedom has 100 such to hear. They can be used as background colour, misinformation and adventure hooks.