Archbliss is Magic is a piece of fiction for Archbliss: The City of the Sorcerers, one of the supplements for Cities of Sundara, which is available in versions for 5th Edition and Pathfinder.

The city can be seen from many miles away, for it hovers high above the Kerrin Plateau below. The city is Archbliss, the City of the Sorcerers, the city that roamed the skies after it was created by the most powerful sorcerers of its time. Now it no longer drifts above the lands, instead remaining fixed in the sky where all can find it, though finding does not mean being allowed to enter the city created by magic.
Archbliss is still reluctant to engage with others, though powerful organisations and cities maintain contact with it, and it with them, and the city, through the use of its magic, has gained powerful friends in high places. It is magic that made Archbliss and magic that runs through it today. Sorcery is the most potent force in Archbliss, though all kinds of magic are of interest to those who dwell within the city. It is magic they use and seek in trade, and the city is a place where almost anything magical can be sold. Though the price paid may vary.
On the land below the city are many means of travelling to it as it floats above. From the teleportation circles that allow visitors to travel instantly, to all manner of flying beasts, creatures and magic available to rent for those whose business is not important enough to be granted the use of the circles. Those who have their own means of flight may travel that way too.
Magic is what made Archbliss and magic is what maintains it. Magic is the city’s lifeblood; without it, the city would tumble to the ground below, as some thought it would in the past. Magic is all and those who lack magic are, perhaps, considered lesser. The City of the Sorcerers has an insatiable appetite for magic, and it is a place where, perhaps, you may find the magic you need. Though you may not find it at a price you can afford.