D10: Deep Space Rumours – Planets

Space Station10 Hooks and Rumours for Space in Cyberpunk

This list has ten hooks and rumours that can be heard about the moons and planets in Cyberpunk Whether or not they are true is up to the GameMaster. They can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

  1. ESA and NASA have both established manned installations on the moons of Mars, and the JAB also claims a portion of the moons’ surfaces. The moons are both small, with only a limited amount of area, and it’s rumoured that both the ESA and NASA bases have defensive armament installed, waiting for a conflict both feel is inevitable.
  2. JAB has been collecting mineral-rich asteroids and propelling them out of the belt using shunt-rockets for mining. It’s also claimed that these are tests of kinetic energy weapons; accelerating asteroids with the rockets and launching them at targets, probably on Earth, Luna or Mars. This would create weapons nearly impossible to stop.
  3. Mercury is a nearly airless cinder that is too close to the Sun to really be a suitable target for colonisation or development. However, there have been suggestions in the past about building a solar power collector/emitter array in orbit. Recently, it seems that there have been investigations done into making such, although it’s said that a ring of solar panels built around the planet’s equator is also being considered.
  4. Most mining operations within the Belt are done by remotely-operated automated systems, as a way of avoiding the region’s dangers. It’s rumoured that sometimes these operations are hacked, resulting in whatever is being mined being dispatched elsewhere, presumably so that whoever is doing it can gain the benefits of asteroid mining without the expense.
  5. The DSS Pathfinder is a major scientific mission dispatched by NASA to survey the Jovian system, though it hasn’t arrived yet. It’s rumoured that as well as surveying the different moons that the expedition is going to pay particular attention to the oceans of Europa; some claim that NASA has discovered something that is specifically directing them there.
  6. The La Grange points of Earth are becoming increasingly crowded with colonies and factories being built at them, and it’s rumoured that some of the organisations operating in space believe that something needs to be done about this. Of course, they typically want other companies to leave, and it’s said that some of them are considering using force to do this.
  7. The three massdrivers in Luna maintain a steady stream of material mined from the moon to Earth orbit for use there. It’s rumoured that an attempt to take control of one of the massdrivers was recently thwarted, and that if it hadn’t been, the massdriver would have started targeting locations on Earth.
  8. There are clear indications that there are large amounts of water and atmosphere are trapped beneath the surface of Mars, and several teams are studying the deposits with the aim of gradually releasing them into the atmosphere. It’s rumoured, though, that at least one team favours a much faster approach, releasing all the trapped gasses and water in a single, massive burst.
  9. Titan, the moon of Saturn, is substantially larger than Luna and, unlike any other moon in the solar system, has a true atmosphere, albeit of nitrogen and methane. The Cassini probe was unable to confirm or deny whether the rain of organic compounds in Titan’s atmosphere might have allowed life to form, and a joint JAB/NASA probe is intended to investigate further. It’s rumoured that this mission has suffered a number of sabotage incidents from an unknown party, perhaps another organisation that wishes to get to Titan first.
  10. Venus, despite being comparable to Earth in size and gravity, is completely unsuited for human life without a lot of protection. There are rumours that some companies and organisations are investigating cloud-skimming on the planet, with the aim of scooping up the dangerous compounds and gasses in the atmosphere.

Want some general space rumours? Check out 100 Rumours to Hear in the Space Port Bar.

D10: Deep Space Rumours – Planets is unofficial content provided under the Homebrew Content Policy of R. Talsorian Games and is not approved or endorsed by RTG. This content references materials that are the property of R. Talsorian Games and its licensees.

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100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel, 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

Rumours can be heard in or about brothels just as with other places, and 100 Rumors To Hear In A Brothel has 100 such to hear about the trade. They can be used as background colour or potential adventure hooks.

Strange air and odd feelings can be found in a dungeon and 100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon (5E) has some to encounter. They can range from odd to harmful to helpful.

Characters can gain information from a variety of sources and 100 Hooks and Rumours for the Crucible has 100 things for them to hear. These can be used as background colour or as potential adventure hooks.

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D10: Embarrassing Deaths

Skeletal Corpse
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission

Some deaths are worthy of legend, of heroes falling battling countless foes or performing great acts. Other deaths are so embarrassing that they are best forgotten. This is ten deaths by accident, incompetence and misadventure that will only make their way into a bardic tale as a source of humour.

  1. Accidentally spills oil over themselves and ignites it, causing them to go up in flames.
  2. Clothing catches on something, causing them to fall badly and break their own neck.
  3. Goes to sheathe their sword and misses, accidentally slicing their own leg open and severing an artery.
  4. Slices their own hand with a blade to which they are applying poison, fatally poisoning themself.
  5. Stumbles and falls, breaking their neck when they land.
  6. Tripped over their own feet and fell over, impaling themselves on their own weapon.
  7. The ceiling collapses on them after a misaimed blow hits a weakened upright.
  8. The head of their mace flies off as they swing it and smashes their own skull.
  9. Their crossbow violently disassembles itself, sending parts flying into their skull.
  10. Turns in their saddle and falls off their horse, breaking their neck.

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100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest, 100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (PFRPG) and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant II are now available to buy on DriveThruRPG.

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100 Encounters for a Dark Fey Forest (PFRPG) is the above supplement converted for use with Pathfinder. You do not need both versions.

The Nova Age brought huge changes to the Aberrant setting, and 100 Hooks and Rumours for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant II has 100 rumours related to this that can be used as adventure hooks, misinformation and background colour.

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